Ender Series-Short Stories
![《安德系列短篇集》(Ender Series-Short Stories ) [科幻有声读物] [MP3]](http://pic.dxspjc.com/dx_pic/8012300/5607625.jpg)
奥森·斯科特·卡德(Orson Scott Card)是当今美国科幻界最炙手可热的人物之一。在科幻史上,从来没有人在两年内连续两次将“雨果”和“星云”两大科幻奖尽收囊中,直到卡德横空出世。1986年,他的《安德的游戏》囊括雨果奖、星云奖,1987年,其续集《死者代言人》再次包揽了这两个世界科幻文学的最高奖项。卡德生于华盛顿州里奇兰,在犹他州长大,分别在杨百翰大学和犹他大学取得学位,目前定居于北卡罗莱纳州。
![《安德系列短篇集》(Ender Series-Short Stories ) [科幻有声读物] [MP3]](http://pic.dxspjc.com/dx_pic/8012300/5607396.jpg)
A War of Gifts (An Ender Story)
战斗学校里不平凡的圣诞节,主角是丁·米克(Dink Meeker)和新角色Zeck Morgan,安德也有出场。
Orson Scott Card offers a Christmas gift to his millions of fans with this short novel set during Ender's first years at the Battle School where it is forbidden to celebrate religious holidays.
The children come from many nations, many religions; while they are being trained for war, religious conflict between them is not on the curriculum. But Dink Meeker, one of the older students, doesn't see it that way. He thinks that giving gifts isn't exactly a religious observation, and on Sinterklaas Day he tucks a present into another student's shoe.
This small act of rebellion sets off a battle royal between the students and the staff, but some surprising alliances form when Ender comes up against a new student, Zeck Morgan. The War over Santa Claus will force everyone to make a choice.
![《安德系列短篇集》(Ender Series-Short Stories ) [科幻有声读物] [MP3]](http://pic.dxspjc.com/dx_pic/8012300/5607985.jpg)
First Meetings (In The Enderverse)
Ender's Game,1977版。
The Polish Boy,安德的父亲小时候被战斗学校测试的经历。
Teacher's Pest,安德的父母在大学里的相遇。
Investment Counselor,安德遇到简成为死者代言人。
When "Ender's Game" was first published as a novella twenty-five years ago, few would have predicted that it would become one of the most successful ventures in publishing history. Expanded into a novel in 1985, Ender's Game won both the Hugo Award and the Nebula Award for Best Novel. Never out of print and translated into dozens of languages, it is the rare work of fiction that can truly be said to have transcended a genre. Ender's Game and its sequels have won dozens of prestigious awards and are as popular today among teens and young readers as among adults.
First Meetings is a collection of three novellas -- plus the original "Ender's Game" -- that journey into the origins and the destiny of one Ender Wiggin.
"The Polish Boy" begins in the years between the first two Bugger Wars when the Hegemony is desperate to recruit brilliant military commanders to repel the alien invasion. In John Paul Wiggin -- the future father of Ender -- they believe they may have found their man. Or boy.
In "Teacher's Pest" -- a novella written especially for this collection -- a brilliant but insufferably arrogant John Paul Wiggin, now an American university student, matches wits with an equally brilliant graduate student named Theresa Brown.
It is many years since the end of the Bugger War in "The Investment Counselor." Ender's reputation as a hero and savior has suffered a horrible reversal. Banished from Earth and slandered as a mass murderer, twenty-year-old Andrew Wiggin wanders incognito from planet to planet as a fugitive -- until a blackmailing tax inspector compromises his identity and threatens to expose Ender the Xenocide.
Also reprinted here is the original landmark novella, "Ender's Game," which first appeared in 1977.
Fully illustrated, First Meetings is Orson Scot Card writing at the height of his considerable powers about his most compelling character.
![《安德系列短篇集》(Ender Series-Short Stories ) [科幻有声读物] [MP3]](http://pic.dxspjc.com/dx_pic/8012300/5607661.gif)
2005年卡德创办了自己的在线付费杂志Intergalactic Medicine Show,每期都会有一个安德系列相关的短篇。
目前已有六篇,前三篇的Audio Book已能找到,其他的待更新。
Mazer In Prison,第二次虫族战争的人类英雄马泽·雷汉(Mazer Rackham)主角。
Pretty Boy,在战斗学校中来自西班牙的孩子邦佐·马利德(Bonzo Madrid)主角。
Cheater,战斗学校中来自中国的孩子韩子(Han Tzu,书译韩楚)主角。
1985 安德的游戏 Ender's Game
1986 死者代言人 Speaker for the Dead
1991 外星屠异 Xenocide
1996 精神之子 Children of the Mind
1999 安德的影子 Ender's Shadow
2000 霸主的影子 Shadow of the Hegemon
2002 影子傀儡 Shadow Puppets
2004 巨人的影子 Shadow of the Giant
1977 Ender's Game
2000 Investment Counselor
2002 The Polish Boy
2003 Teacher's Pest
*以上收录于2004年出版的短篇集 First Meetings
2005 Mazer In Prison
2006 Pretty Boy
2006 Cheater
2007 Youngman with prospects
2007 The Goldbug
2007 Ender's Stocking
*这些来自作者的在线付费杂志 Intergalactic Medicine Show
A War of Gifts