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《特效制作中级教程》(FXPHD AFX220 After Effects Beyond the Basics)[HDTVRip]


更新时间:2007-12-01 17:40:00

文件大小:696 MB




《特效制作中级教程》(FXPHD AFX220 After Effects Beyond the Basics)[HDTVRip]



《特效制作中级教程》(FXPHD AFX220 After Effects Beyond the Basics)[HDTVRip]

With After Effects Version 7's support for a 32-bit workflow, the application continues to make inroads into the compositing workflow. Our After Effects professor is Mark Christiansen, author of "After Effects Studio Techniques". Christiansen will provide intermediate users with insights on how to get the most of of the tools in a production environment -- breaking down many of the tools and showing the best way to use them in a production environment. The book shows techniques and approaches which are applicable across all platforms -- and helps users of other software packages feel right at home in After Effects.

Christiansen's resume includes work at the special effects studio The Orphanage on The Day After Tomorrow and films by Robert Rodriguez. He has also created graphics for documentaries produced by HBO, The History Channel, and other broadcast outlets. Adobe's After Effects development team named Mark its number-one beta tester and hired him to create tutorials and other materials for the 6.0 release.

His book, After Effects Studio Techniques, is a required textbook for the course. While aspects of the book will be covered at fxphd, there will be much more than simply rehashing book content -- including several project-based classes which break down how to appraoch a shot.

View a short sample clip from one of the AFX220 classes.

Class 1: Keying

Class 2 Creating a aerial shot on a budget with a 3D camera

Class 3: Interior Composite, Part 1 - Tracking

Class 4: Interior Composite, Part 2 - Finessing the previous week's work, keying, adding the exterior shot

Class 5: Masking and Tracking - Chimp

Class 6: Interior Composite Part 3 - Interactive lighting, dynamic range

Class 7: Oil Rig Composite, Part 1, 2 (double length class)

Class 8: Oil Rig Composite, Part 3

Class 9: Oil Rig Composite, Part 4, 5 (double length class)

Class 10: Oil Rig Composite, Part 6
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