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《流行音乐节奏音源合集》(Ueberschall The Resource Vsti)


更新时间:2007-11-15 00:29:00

文件大小:4.74 GB




《流行音乐节奏音源合集》(Ueberschall The Resource Vsti)

The Resource是Ueberschall公司经典节奏音源合集,风格涵盖流行、摇滚、舞曲、R&B、HipHop、Funk、拉丁等等,使用最新的Elastik loop播放器来调用。可创建用户自己的音色,所有loop均为知名音乐家演奏,速度改变范围10-480BPM。

The Resource

10GB beats, licks, chords and percussion. 16370 loops and single sounds (11843 loops and 4527 single sounds) incl. ueberschall's new ELASTIK loop player.


+ highspeed timestretching and pitchshifting in best quality
+ innovative "Loopeye" for fast loop variations
+ all parameters midi controllable
+ multiple content management
+ each product separately installable
+ mapping tools (automatic slice- & chromatic-map)
+ bounce of original and modified samples
+ creation of user presets
+ filter with "kill function" (-72db)
+ adaptable to tempos from 10 to 480 bpm
+ audio engine for quick adaptation

+ 11843 loops
+ 4527 single sounds
+ reduced-content installation possible
+ played by professional studio musicians
+ huge stylistic bandwidth
+ recorded with high-quality equipment

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