![《Maya仙尘特效》(Gnomonology Pixie dust)[ISO]](http://pic.dxspjc.com/dx_pic/7111211/5214852.jpg)
Gnomonology 为Gnomon培训机构最新开发的一个教程资源网站.目前提供了资深专家Alex Alvarez、Meats Meier、Zack Petroc和Scott Spencer等约50个小时的视频内容,涵盖的软件有Maya、Photoshop、3ds Max Zbrush、After Effects、Headus、Houdini。
Pixie Dust Using Sprites
Chapter One: OptiFX, Emitters, Fields and Expressions
![《Maya仙尘特效》(Gnomonology Pixie dust)[ISO]](http://pic.dxspjc.com/dx_pic/7111211/5214757.jpg)
你是不是惊讶于《魔戒三部曲》白袍巫师甘道夫魔仗发出的仙尘特效,这张教程就是讲述好莱坞级仙尘特效的制作的,涉及的软件有Maya以及视频合成软件After Effect。可广泛应用于电影,电视,广告,游戏等的开发。
Pixie dust…… 魔法粉,源自仙魔界,它的特效应用极广. 迪士尼影片,仙尘,也能找到自己在电影院, 广告,许多游戏的应用. 本教程显示如何创造一个充满活力仙尘效果小仙. 在第一章,我们首先创造了一抹灰尘雪碧发生器光学效应. 然后我们进入创造了必要的辐射源,运动路径,不同领域,不同属性和表达方式, 同时,重点就如何营造organicly随机性行为,为我们的小仙. 控制效果,包括瞬间特效等.
Pixie dust... magical powder that emanates from the land of faery and those that inhabit it. Associated with Disney films, Pixie Dust also manages to find itself in movie theatre promos, bumpers, commercials and many video games. This tutorial demonstrates how to create a dynamic Pixie Dust effect using sprites. In chapter one, we start by creating a pixie dust sprite generator using optical effects. We then move onto creating the necessary emitter, motion path, fields, sprite attributes and expressions, while focusing on how to create an organicly random behavior for our sprites. Several expressions are written to control the effect, including the necessary twinkling.
![《Maya仙尘特效》(Gnomonology Pixie dust)[ISO]](http://pic.dxspjc.com/dx_pic/7111211/5214927.jpg)
Pixie Dust Using Sprites
Chapter Two: Multiple Emitters, Rendering, Compositing
Pixie dust…… 魔法粉,源自仙魔界,它的特效应用极广. 迪士尼影片,仙尘,也能找到自己在电影院, 广告,许多游戏的应用. 本教程显示如何创造一个充满活力仙尘效果小仙. 在第二章节中, 我们看看如何重用一个粒子效应对重复应用,以及深度特效. 这使得我们能够从不同层排放风格在一起. 然后我们提供商业级效果,最后看看加入两种风格辉光导入到AE中合成后的真实特效.
Pixie dust... magical powder that emanates from the land of faery and those that inhabit it. Associated with Disney films, Pixie Dust also manages to find itself in movie theatre promos, bumpers, commercials and many video games. This tutorial demonstrates how to create a dynamic Pixie Dust effect using sprites. In chapter two, we look at how to reuse a sprite particle effect on a duplicate emitter in order to manage Depth Sorting. This allows us to layer different emission styles together. We then hardware render the sprite effect and finalize the look by adding two styles of glow in After Effects.
亚历克斯是The Gnomon Workshop视觉效果创办人,在好莱坞.具有十年教育艺术人,专业艺术世界没有人要忘记他的存在!!!