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《Maya 四足动物动画教程》(Digital-Tutors Animating Quadrupeds in Maya)2CDs[ISO]


更新时间:2007-09-17 19:28:00

文件大小:900 MB




《Maya 四足动物动画教程》(Digital-Tutors Animating Quadrupeds in Maya)2CDs[ISO]
Digital-Tutors Animating Quadrupeds in Maya

Digital-Tutors 出品的玛雅教程,适用于 MAYA 8.5 或更高版本。总运行时间2小时51分。



- Referencing Footage / Images
- Mechanics of Quadruped Animation
- Quadruped Anatomy for Animators
- Ghosting
- Character Sets
- Follow-Through
- Translating Cycles Forward
- Timing and Spacing
- Achieving Believable Weight
- Show Buffer Curves for Optimization
- Graph Editor
- Animating Arcs
- In-betweening
- Editing Tangents

Home Page:

Software: Maya 8.5 or higher
Run Time: 2 hrs. 51 min., 2 discs

Learn time-saving animation techniques, the mechanics of quadrupeds, and fundamental principles for creating convincing quadruped animations. Contains nearly 3 hours of project-based training. Perfect for intermediate artists.

Popular highlights include:

- Referencing Footage / Images
- Mechanics of Quadruped Animation
- Quadruped Anatomy for Animators
- Ghosting
- Character Sets
- Follow-Through
- Translating Cycles Forward
- Timing and Spacing
- Achieving Believable Weight
- Show Buffer Curves for Optimization
- Graph Editor
- Animating Arcs
- In-betweening
- Editing Tangents

《Maya 四足动物动画教程》(Digital-Tutors Animating Quadrupeds in Maya)2CDs[ISO]

《Maya 四足动物动画教程》(Digital-Tutors Animating Quadrupeds in Maya)2CDs[ISO]

《Maya 四足动物动画教程》(Digital-Tutors Animating Quadrupeds in Maya)2CDs[ISO]

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