![《After Effects CS3 高级教程》(Total Training After Effects CS3 Advanced)[ISO]](http://pic.dxspjc.com/dx_pic/7091010/4619661.gif)
After Effects CS3 最新高级教程,教程时间长达7个小时,适用水平:高级.
Adobe After Effects 软件继续为用于电影、录像、DVC 和 Web 的动画图形和视觉效果设立新标准。 After Effects 提供了与 Adobe Premiere® Pro、Adobe Encore™ DVD、Adobe Audition™、Photoshop® CS 和 Illustrator® CS 软件无与伦比的集成功能,为您提供以创新的方式应对生产挑战并交付高品质成品所需的速度、准确度和强大功能。
![《After Effects CS3 高级教程》(Total Training After Effects CS3 Advanced)[ISO]](http://pic.dxspjc.com/dx_pic/7091010/4619931.gif)
用震撼的视觉效果和引人入胜的动态图形将您的创意变为现实作品。使用各种精密工具并尽享与 Adobe 领先设计应用程序的紧密集成, 以各种媒体类型交付优质的作品。您可以从头开始设计, 也可以基于数百种可完全自定的预设和模板跳跃式地设计项目, 简洁的用户界面供您随时使用。
After Effects CS3新增了很多全新的制作动态影像和动画的设计工具,执行性能更强悍,此外,还能更加紧密地同Photoshop 和Flash Professional这两款软件结合。此次After Effects CS3并没有发布标准版,目前市面上可供用户使用的标准版只有AE 7.0,对此Adobe的解释是用户更迫切需要使用的是专业版而非标准版。
![《After Effects CS3 高级教程》(Total Training After Effects CS3 Advanced)[ISO]](http://pic.dxspjc.com/dx_pic/7091010/4619159.gif)
Title: Adobe After Effects CS3 Advanced
Category: Multimedia & Video
Presenter: Ko Maruyama
Ko Maruyama has been specialized in the field of motion graphics for over six years. He has worked as a Visual Effects artist on several Emmy nominated advertising campaigns, music videos, and promotional campaigns. He was most recently the Visual Effects Supervisor behind the motion graphics-based multi-media Snickers campaign starring the Black Eyed Peas which released simultaneously on television, in print, and online.
Platform: Windows & MAC OS
Format: Online
Level: Intermediate to Advanced
Get ready to dive in deeper than basic editing and compositing with these entertaining and educational videos on the advanced feature set in After Effects. You抣l explore the 3D environment to understand better how to work with 3D cameras and add realistic lighting and shadows. Plus, test drive tools that you may have never ventured to try before, such as painting and keying. Ko wraps up the course with a closer look at the all new Puppetry and Shapes tools.
![《After Effects CS3 高级教程》(Total Training After Effects CS3 Advanced)[ISO]](http://pic.dxspjc.com/dx_pic/7091010/4619217.gif)
Now that you've mastered the 2D features found in the After Effects Essentials series, you抮e ready to understand the possibilities of 3D within After Effects.
Explore the advanced features and expressions to take full advantage of the javascript within After Effects.
Learn how to combine painting, motion tracking, text and keying, so that you can approach any animation or composites in After Effects with confidence that you can get it done.
Animating the 3D layers with a 3D camera can add dynamic, organic looks to your composite. The key to making this work is to understand how to manipulate the various parts of each 3D element.
The puppetry tools help you deform layers in ways that you had never considered before. With an auto-tracing feature you can quickly start animating with this active tool.