关于音频电子测量方面的经典入门书籍。是AUDIO PRECISION公司的总裁亲自写的一本内部教材,内容涉及音频测试工具和技术、主要的测试环境、音频测试的特殊指标和结果、音频测量的术语等,我公司人手一册。该书英文简介见下:
QUOTEThis AUDIO MEASUREMENT HANDBOOK is intended as practical, hands-on assistance for workers in all phases of the audio field. It's treatment of topics does not involve mathematics beyond simple algebra. Although published by Audio Precision, the measurement techniques described generally are not specific to Audio Precision insturments, but apply to any audio testing equipment. The first section describes basic tools and techniques and includes guides to aid in the selection of appropriate audio tes instruments. The third section applies these techniques to various commonly-used types of audio equipment and describes the typical ranges of performance to expect in that equipment. Section four is a glossary of specific audio terminology and major specifications used in the audio measurement field.
QUOTETable of Contents
Section One: Audio Testing Tools and Techniques
...Introduction and Basic Tools
...Sinewave Generation
...Amplitude Measurements
...Noise Measurements
...Signal Measurements in the Presence of Noise
...Time Domain and Frequency Domain
...Measurement of Non-Linearity
...Frequency Measurements
...Phase Measurement
...Wow and Flutter Measurements
...Measurements With Noise Stimulus
...Sets of Measurements
...Measurement Dynamics and Reading Settling
...Estimating Input Impedance
...Output Impedance Estimation
...Characterizing a "Black Box"
...Interface to the Device Under Test
...Digitally-Implemented Advanced Measurement Techniques
...Digital Domain Testing
Section Two: Major Testing Enviroments
...Laboratory Research and Development
...Production Test and Quality Assurance
...Maintenance and Repair
Section Three: Tesing Specific DUT Tyes, with Typical Results
...Amplifiers and Similar Real-Time Linear Analog Audio Devices
...Analog Tape Recorder and Reproducer Alignment and Performance Measurements
...Radios and Tuners
...Broadcast Transmission Testing
...Digital Audio and Converter Measurements
...Close-Coupled Acoustical Devices
...Microphone Testing
Section Four: Audio Measurement Glossary