![《SolidWorks视频教程》(SolidWorks Video Tutorial Volume 1-3)[Bin]](http://pic.dxspjc.com/dx_pic/7111212/2441745.jpg)
类别:solidworks 2007 基础教程
Solidworks Video Tutorial Volume 1
SolidWorks Video Tutorial Volume 2 & Volume3
![《SolidWorks视频教程》(SolidWorks Video Tutorial Volume 1-3)[Bin]](http://pic.dxspjc.com/dx_pic/7082009/1832235.jpg)
Solidworks Video Tutorial Volume 2
![《SolidWorks视频教程》(SolidWorks Video Tutorial Volume 1-3)[Bin]](http://pic.dxspjc.com/dx_pic/7082009/1832468.jpg)
Solidworks Video Tutorial Volume 3
SolidWorks 是全球领先的三维产品设计解决方案,提供机械设计、工程分析、运动仿真、数据管理和通信工具。SolidWorks 有近100万的专业工程,是目前最流行的基於 windows 的应用类型。其优异的性能、易用性和创新性,极大地提高了机械设计工程师的设计效率,在与同类软件的激烈竞争中已经确立了它的市场地位,成为三维机械设计软件的标准,在全球拥有近数十万用户。
SolidWorks 软件的最新版本在设计创新、使用方便性和提高整体性能等方面都得到了显著的加强,包括增强了大装配处理能力、复杂曲面造型能力,以及专门为中国市场的需要而进一步增强的中国国标(GB)内容等。
美国 SolidWorks 公司可为制造企业的产品开发提供完整的信息化解决方案。自1996年以来已为数千家中国企业提供软件和服务,并在 CAD/CAE/CAM/CAPP/PDM/ERP 等领域为企业的信息化建设提供了完整的、实用的解决方案,在航空、航天、铁道、兵器、电子、机械等领域拥有广泛的用户。
本视频教程即是针对 SolidWorks 2007 以及一些早期版本的教学,其全面、循序渐进的教学方式,有助于学员掌握 SolidWorks 使用技巧,并且能自主地利用 SolidWorks 进行生产创造。
·包括 SolidWorks 2007 以及一些较早版本的教学
·数小时的课程能让你快速熟悉 SolidWorks
·在教程中你将学到如何使用 SolidWorks 进行产品的绘图、设计、查看以及编辑
Running Time: 4 hours 41min
This video tutorial covers SolidWorks 2007, and is also applicable to some
earlier versions. With its comprehensive, step-by-step approach, this
hands-on tutorial will help you master the techniques you need to quickly
become productive in SolidWorks
Created by SolidWorks experts, the video tutorials contain real-world
insight and will enable you to draw, design, edit, view and plot in
SolidWorks. You will find all of the essential material necessary to
successfully create any 2-dimensional (2D) as well as 3-dimensional solid
models applicable to any design, architecture, or service industry.
01 Curvature Options 32 Funnel Body
02 Zebra Stripes 33 Extrude Surface (Handle)
03 Geometric Continuity 34 Support Sketch (Handle)
04 Extruded Surface 35 Lofted Surface (Handle)
05 Surface Trim 36 Adjusting Handle
06 Boundary Surface Project (Pocket Game)
07 Fillet 37 Circuit Board
08 Project Curve 38 Housing (Solid Body)
09 Thicken 39 Surface (Top Housing)
10 Half Pipe Connection 40 Surface (LCD Opening)
11 Sketch Cross-Connection 41 Surface (Bottom Housing)
12 Pipes Cross-Connection 42 Fillet (Housing)
13 Filled Surface 43 Battery Cover
14 Lofted Surface 44 Create Assembly
15 Swept Surface 45 Creating Shell
16 Swept Twist 46 Edit Battery Cover
17 Swept (Follow Path) 47 Insert Assembly
18 Planar Surface 48 Creating Buttons
19 Face Curves 49 LCD Opening
20 Intersection Curve 50 Top Housing (Details)
21 Offset Surface 51 Dial Pad (Details)1
22 Ruled Surface 52 Dial Pad (Details)2
23 Insert Pictures 53 Dial Pad (Add Fillets)
24 Creating Bottom Surface 54 Buttons Openings
25 Revolved Surface 55 Battery
26 Middle Surface Bodies 56 Add Ribs Top Housing
27 Solid Body 57 Add Ribs Bottom Housing
28 Bathroom Sink 58 Add Bosses (Buttom)
29 Filled Surface 59 Holes (PC Board)
30 Base & Drain Pipe 60 Add Bosses (Top)
31 Funnel (Creating sketch) 61 LCD Openings (Details)
Running Time: 4 hours 41min
This video tutorial covers SolidWorks 2007, and is also applicable to some
earlier versions. With its comprehensive, step-by-step approach, this
hands-on tutorial will help you master the techniques you need to quickly
become productive in SolidWorks
Created by SolidWorks experts, the video tutorials contain real-world
insight and will enable you to draw, design, edit, view and plot in
SolidWorks. You will find all of the essential material necessary to
successfully create any 2-dimensional (2D) as well as 3-dimensional solid
models applicable to any design, architecture, or service industry.
01 Curvature Options 32 Funnel Body
02 Zebra Stripes 33 Extrude Surface (Handle)
03 Geometric Continuity 34 Support Sketch (Handle)
04 Extruded Surface 35 Lofted Surface (Handle)
05 Surface Trim 36 Adjusting Handle
06 Boundary Surface Project (Pocket Game)
07 Fillet 37 Circuit Board
08 Project Curve 38 Housing (Solid Body)
09 Thicken 39 Surface (Top Housing)
10 Half Pipe Connection 40 Surface (LCD Opening)
11 Sketch Cross-Connection 41 Surface (Bottom Housing)
12 Pipes Cross-Connection 42 Fillet (Housing)
13 Filled Surface 43 Battery Cover
14 Lofted Surface 44 Create Assembly
15 Swept Surface 45 Creating Shell
16 Swept Twist 46 Edit Battery Cover
17 Swept (Follow Path) 47 Insert Assembly
18 Planar Surface 48 Creating Buttons
19 Face Curves 49 LCD Opening
20 Intersection Curve 50 Top Housing (Details)
21 Offset Surface 51 Dial Pad (Details)1
22 Ruled Surface 52 Dial Pad (Details)2
23 Insert Pictures 53 Dial Pad (Add Fillets)
24 Creating Bottom Surface 54 Buttons Openings
25 Revolved Surface 55 Battery
26 Middle Surface Bodies 56 Add Ribs Top Housing
27 Solid Body 57 Add Ribs Bottom Housing
28 Bathroom Sink 58 Add Bosses (Buttom)
29 Filled Surface 59 Holes (PC Board)
30 Base & Drain Pipe 60 Add Bosses (Top)
31 Funnel (Creating sketch) 61 LCD Openings (Details)