![《Painter电影和游戏工业绘画教程》(Gnomon Introduction to Corel Painter - Concept Art Workflow)[ISO]](http://pic.dxspjc.com/dx_pic/7082009/1421271.gif)
好莱坞顶级概念设计师Ryan Church的一份最新电影和游戏工业绘画教程,Ryan Church 是著名的CG概念设计师,Ryan Church.是一个让人羡慕又嫉妒的名字. 在"星战艺术总监"的光环下他展现着一个又一个幻想的奇迹!他的工作客户有Walt Disney Imagineering, Universal Studios, Industrial Light & Magic and Lucasfilm, 参与星球大战3的制作,包括设计车辆、建筑场景等!他也是,"工业光魔"(ILM)艺术总监Ryan Church!本教程更是代表着行业(Corel Painter)技能的前沿。不可多得,通过本教程让我们直面大师的教学。
这张DVD教学,由 Ryan Church 主讲。Ryan将亲手为你揭开日常为电影和游戏工业进行创作艺术作品方法的神秘面纱。从最简单的Painter工作区和菜单的设置开始,到使用笔刷、图层、纸张、肌理等,本DVD教学特别适合对学习使用Painter传统绘画技术感兴趣的所有人....
In this DVD, Ryan Church introduces the viewer to Corel Painter. Ryan teaches the way he uses the program on a daily basis to create production artwork for the film and video game industries. From the basic first steps of setting up the Painter workspace and menus, to using brushes, layers, papers and textures, this DVD is perfect for anyone interested in learning traditional illustration techniques using Painter's powerful features and tools. As the lecture progresses, Ryan walks you through his process for creating a finished production illustration in real time, from sketching and designing, to composing and adding final details.
Over 3 hours of lecture.
![《Painter电影和游戏工业绘画教程》(Gnomon Introduction to Corel Painter - Concept Art Workflow)[ISO]](http://pic.dxspjc.com/dx_pic/7082009/1421587.gif)
Painter Workspace
Customizing Brushes and Hotkeys
Importing Textures
Papers and Cloning Tool
Creating Narratives
Creating Mood and Drama
Form and Lighting
01: Setting up the Painter Workspace
02: Preferences
03: Image Navigation
04: Customizing Hot Keys
05: Painter's Brushes
06: Using Layers
07: Using Papers
08: Shapes
09: Effects
10: Starting a Painting
11: Monochromatic Sketching
12: Refining Design and Composition
13: Local Color Pass
14: Lighting and Atmosphere
15: Adding Texture and Details
16: Adding Drama, Depth and Mood
17: Finished Rendering
Ryan Church毕业于UCLA(美国加利福尼亚大学洛杉矶分校)和美国艺术中心设计学院(ART CENTER),是一位著名的CG概念设计师,也是业界概念设计顶级人物。
Ryan Church酷爱概念设计赋予他的“为所欲为”的权力。而且,概念设计能带给Ryan Church源源不断的新鲜感。获取是一种快乐,而分享更是一种幸福。当Ryan Church想出一些前所未有的新奇概念并得到大家的认同时,他感觉自己就像是历史的编纂者。而为概念设计史添上划时代的一笔的,就是他和他的构思。
所以,Ryan Church在心中对自己的定位是:第一主角——设计师;第二角色——插图家;第三配角——艺术家。
本教程评价:“When Ryan Church started giving his unique vision to the Star Wars universe four years ago, it was clear that he was going to pave the way for future digital artists. His art immediatly transports you into new dimensions of form and color. He's one of today's strongest digital inspirations.”
- Sparth Concept Designer Id