![《Hemera 5万图片素材图库》(Hemera Photo Objects 50000 Premium Image Collection)DVD[ISO]](http://pic.dxspjc.com/dx_pic/7082009/0125875.jpg)
Hemera Photo Objects 50000 Premium Image Collection
Hemera 出品的影像图库,顾名思义,Photo Objects 50000 Premium Image 的确包含了5万张形形色色的图片,内容涉及82个学科领域,涵盖视听设备、汽车、相框、厨具、照明设备、昆虫、植物、家具等等,可应用于平面设计、网站设计等。
安装,序号在读我档内。安装完毕后开啟程式,点选 "Edit->Preferences",在弹出的对话方块中切换到 "CD-ROM Drives" 项,在 "Also look for Photo-Objects in the following" 前面打上勾勾,然后点选右边的 "Add...",在弹出的对话方块中选中 "X:\HPI" 资料夹,按确定得以添加,注意 "X:\" 实际应以你加载了本资料 DVD 的光碟机盘符为准。接下来继续添加 "X:\HPI1" 资料夹 and "X:\HPI2" 资料夹,完成后确定退出对话方块,这时在程式主界面的 "CD#" 项下的数字(1-8)应全部为红色显示,说明所有图片都可以正常使用了。至於接下来的具体应用就不要问我了。
Product Description
Hemera Photo-Objects: Premium Image Collection for the Macintosh contains 50,000 high-quality, royalty-free photographs of everyday objects, people, and animals that have been removed from their original backgrounds. This allows users to add an innovative, professional look to their graphics and Web design projects, possibly saving time and money by never having to mask an object or a person again. Drag and drop the images into popular applications, including word processors, presentation packages, and graphics applications. The Hemera search engine gives users instant feedback with each character typed, making it easier than ever to find the right image.
As the name suggests, the pack really does contain 50,000 images on eight CD-ROMs. Of course, there's a drawback: the maximum size at which you can use each image is around 1200 pixels square. But as long as each element isn't too large in your montage, this restriction isn't crippling and, unlike conventional clip art, each object is a real photograph.
Lost and found
The search software is slick and amazingly fast if you install the full-thumbnail version, which takes up 70Mb. Enter a keyword and before you've even finished typing, the whole array of objects matching that word is displayed. You can add extra keywords to refine your search.
Then double-click on a selected object and a new window pops open, showing the object at full size. Radio buttons allow you to choose the output format: word processor, slide presentation, Web authoring software, standard graphics application or export (to be opened in, say, Photoshop). The next panel lets you choose the size and image resolution; the next, the colour of the background (or background image tile). The final panel allows you to specify the file format - TIFF, Targa, GIF, JPEG and so on.
If this step-by-step process seems too much of a fiddle, there's a simpler solution: just drag the thumbnail from the search window to the desktop and the image will be saved as a Photoshop TIFF file. TIFF is the format of choice, rather than JPEG, since the cut-out information is stored as an Alpha channel. In Photoshop, press option-command-4 to separate the object from its background. The cut-outs are meticulous: a shopping trolley or cage will have each bar meticulously cut from its background and windows on cars will be transparent.
The range of subjects covered is enormous, with 82 subject areas, including audio-visual (772 objects), cars (990), picture frames (323), kitchenware (933), lighting (992), insects (251), chairs (793) and dozens more.
Tremendous thought has gone into making the collection complete. You'll find a full set of all the letters on a computer keyboard and in a Scrabble set, all the Monopoly playing pieces, every Liquorice Allsort, and so on. If it's people you're after, there are 7808 to choose from. We asked people for a suggestion of an object to look for. Every search came up trumps: cigars (16, plus accoutrements), lilies (25), brains (10), handcuffs (7), syringes (33), stone elephants (5) and the Hubble space telescope (7).
Also included is PhotoFonts, which fills the text of your choice (in any of the fonts present on your system) with any one of 214 textures and patterns and saves the result in the format of your choice.
About Hemera Technologies
Founded in 1997, Hemera Technologies is a privately owned company that is recognized as a world leading supplier of high quality, wholly owned royalty-free digital image content. Hemera has earned such industry awards as "Product of the Year" from PC Compatibles Magazine (France) in the category of Graphics and Multimedia, the "Excellence" award from Computer Publishing in the United Kingdom and "Editor's Choice" in PC Photo in the U.S. Hemera is committed to growing its image collection and to continue to develop products for both the Mac and PC platforms. For more information, please visit http://www.hemera.com/.
![《Hemera 5万图片素材图库》(Hemera Photo Objects 50000 Premium Image Collection)DVD[ISO]](http://pic.dxspjc.com/dx_pic/7082009/0125547.jpg)
![《Hemera 5万图片素材图库》(Hemera Photo Objects 50000 Premium Image Collection)DVD[ISO]](http://pic.dxspjc.com/dx_pic/7082009/0125645.jpg)