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《Maya建模入门教程》(Digital Tutors Introduction to Modeling in Maya-ViH)[ISO]


更新时间:2007-04-30 23:29:00

文件大小:1.08 GB




《Maya建模入门教程》(Digital Tutors Introduction to Modeling in Maya-ViH)[ISO]
Introduction to Modeling in Maya



Easily learn several modeling techniques and a customizable workflow to modeling in Maya with over 5 hours of project-based training. Great for new and beginning artists.

Popular highlights include:

*Overview of Modeling Tools in Maya
*Introduction to Various Types of Geometry
*Surface Conversions
*Proxy Modeling
*Combining Geometry
*Mirroring Geometry
*Incorporating Animation to Modeling Workflow
*Using a Polygon-to-Subdivision Workflow
*Principles of Creating Clean Geometry
*Adding Edge Resolution
*Working with NURBS Curves, Surfaces, and Trims
*Naming and Organizing Assets
*Shader Creation and Assignment
*Combining and Separating Multiple NURBS Surfaces
*Manipulating NURBS Seams with Stitch
*Lofting to Create Geometry using Multiple NURBS Curves
*Creating Geometry along Paths with NURBS Extrude
*Manipulating NURBS Parameterization
*Generating Symmetrical Geometry
*Extruding to Add Resolution in Specific Areas
*Adding and Re-routing Edges with Split Polygon Tool
*Interactively Adding Edges around Objects
*Building High-res geometry with Low-res Cages
*Creasing to Change Hardness of Sub-D Edges
*Reshaping High-res Geometry with Lattice Deformers
*Creating Interlocking Chain Links with Animated Snapshot

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