![《12周拥有强壮的身体和充沛的精神》(Body for Life: 12 Weeks to Mental and Physical Strength)[MP3]](http://pic.dxspjc.com/dx_pic/7050717/1735842.gif)
在BODY FOR LIFE中,bodybuilding杂志出版商和健康宗师比尔. 菲利普帮助读者突破对保持体形有害的精神和生活中的坏习惯。在这本指南中,读者将学会怎么吃, 训练, 和认为达到更好的身体和更加健康的生活。虽然包括重量训练、有氧运动, 和一个严密宽裕的饮食计划的一个严谨健身节目, 但是菲利普许诺只需要短短的12 个星期。以他广泛的经验在重量训练,菲利普推荐譬如包括集合在各锻炼的结尾高强度异常的训练技术为了刺激肌肉成长,同样, 他推荐20 分钟有变化的强度的有氧活动, 以达到在较少时间增加热量的消耗。菲利普在介绍写道,通过BODY FOR LIFE, 菲利普刺激那些早先只读的读者创造他们自己的成功故事和达到精神和体育健身。
Bill Phillips had been publishing bodybuilding magazines and marketing nutritional supplements for years when he had a weird revelation at a trade show: many of the most loyal and enthusiastic readers he had were totally out of shape. From that uncomfortable realization came his popular Physique Transformation Contest (top prize that first year: Phillips's own Lamborghini), now world famous, and this book.
The three-times-a-week weightlifting program in Body for Life is deceptively simple. If you've spent any time in the gym, you've already done all the exercises. But Phillips includes a couple of high-intensity sets at the end of each exercise that should compound the training effect on each muscle group. Same goes for the cardiovascular exercise he recommends: just 20 minutes, three times a week. But those 20 minutes are spent jacking the intensity up and down, accomplishing more in less time.
Phillips arranges all this into a 12-week program, along with nutritional and motivational tips. Be warned that the nutritional advice gets a little spacey. For example, he puts "carbohydrates" and "vegetables" into separate categories, and recommends three daily doses of a nutritional supplement called Myoplex, which his company manufactures. (Fortunately, he gives tips on how to make each dose taste different, such as by adding drops of peppermint extract.) Despite this strangeness, Body for Life still motivates because so many others have achieved astounding results in similar 12-week windows, and the pictures and testimonials are here as evidence. --Lou Schuler--This text refers to the Hardcover edition.