![《Anvel After Effects教程》(The Anvel com ABORTIONSAREFORBABIES)[Bin]](http://pic.dxspjc.com/dx_pic/7041614/4534479.gif)
如果您想让您做的动画不再简单枯燥,如果您为用 Flash 做不出很炫的作品而苦恼,如果您想成为出色的影片剪辑人员,如果您想成为优秀的广告制作人员,那么您的首要任务就是学习 Adobe 公司推出的 Adobe After Effects 软件。 Adobe After Effects 是制作动态影像设计不可或缺的辅助工具,是视频后期合成处理的专业非线性编辑软件。 After Effects应用范围广泛,涵盖影片、电影、广告、多媒体以及网页等,时下最流行的一些电脑游戏,很多都使用它进行合成制作,这个是Anvel出品的After Effects教程。
No video. No sound. Just simple PDF instructions that are well thought out and clearly
communicated along with all the necessary assets to complete the project. If you've ever
viewed a training DVD or video, it can be very helpful to see what is actually being done
as the instructor goes through the procedure. However, I've found over the years that I
learn the very best when I have a project. Watching someone else do something to learn
works pretty well, but actually doing it yourself is even better. THE ANVEL focuses on
the doing.
Dean teaches you technique. Each exercise reveals more about the seemingly endless depth of
Adobe's After Effects. These tutorials present a goal.and the path to the goal leads the user
through areas of the software that many new users (or experienced ones for that matter.)
may not even know are there.
The projects themselves produce results that look ambitious. Even the first lesson utilizes
a number of layers and effect techniques to produce a complex composition. These projects are
based on various motion graphic techniques you might see on network television. When you get
to the end of every lesson, you've not only been exposed to a tool or effect (or several of both)
inside the software, you've actually picked up a technique, learned the thinking behind it,
and executed it for yourself. Modern trends in motion graphics such as dimensional depth,
simulated light emission, mattes, animated strokes and theme-inspired text design is all there.
URL: http://theanvel.com/lessons_detail.php?lesson=72
Release Notes : die.
If you can supply us Artbeats or other Video Stock
Contact : arab@mac.hush.com