![《世界著名漫画家列传》(GREAT ARTISTS IN THE WORLD OF COMICS)[DVDRip]](http://pic.dxspjc.com/dx_pic/7031217/1410177.jpg)
史努比是美国著名漫画家查尔斯舒尔兹(Charles M.schulz)在1906年开始创作的系列漫画。他把真实社会和个人生活体验浓缩在每一个角色中,字里行间蕴含着幽默的人生哲理,其中史努比、查理布郎等个性鲜明、魅力十足角色,经久不衰的赢得了世界各国,不同年龄层面的喜爱,引起广大读者的共鸣,并成为美国通俗文化的一部分,创作了漫画史上少有的奇迹。
50年来,史努比的足迹已布遍全球75个国家,通过2600多家报纸连载、3亿本漫画、50部动画和数以万计的商品与世上见面,成为世界上最受读者喜爱的漫画之一。同时查尔斯·舒尔(Charles M.Schulz)曾两次获得漫画艺术最高荣誉“鲁本奖”(Reuben Award),1978年被选为“年度漫画家”,1900年获得法国文艺勋章。
该电视(史努比的故事)由著名电视制作人李·门德尔松(Lee mendelson)和动画师比尔·门勒德兹(Bill melendez M.schulz)的系列漫画搬上荧屏。随着第一集《查理·布朗的圣诞节》的播出,便深受观众好评,该剧赢得美国“艾美奖”(Emmy award)和“皮博迪奖”(Pdabody award) 的殊荣。
A wide-ranging exploration of the work of some of the top creators of comic design past and present, chosen from all over the world, which demonstrates the high level of expression attainable in this form. From the political to the erotic to the purely aesthetic, the series leaves the viewer in no doubt about the amazing talents of these artists, each of whom is profiled in a separate program.
As a continuation of COMIC , THE 9th ART, this series, which was awarded a prize at the New York Festival of Television and Cinema, constitutes a glance at the best comic artists worldwide.
1 Will Eisner
2 Milo Manara
3 Schulz
4 Prado
5 Horacio Altuna
6 Moebius
7 Breccia
8 Schuiten
9 Enki Bilal
10 Schultheiss
11 Liberatore
12 Moore
13 Howard Chaykin