![《激发个人潜能Ⅱ》安东尼·罗宾(Anthony Robbins Personal Power II)[Bin]](http://pic.dxspjc.com/dx_pic/7022417/4241840.jpg)
1995年安东尼·罗宾当选为“美国十大杰出青年”,1994年获评杰出人类活动家与“布莱恩·怀特公正奖”。1993年Toastmaster International评为“全球五大演说家”;1995年,被授予其最高奖项“金锤奖”。
安东尼·罗宾的著作在全世界已有十数种译本,受益的人不计其数,主要著作有《激发个人潜能Ⅱ》、《激发无限的潜力》、《唤起心中的巨人》、《巨人的脚步》和《一分钟巨人》等 ,这些著作在美国或已有译本出版的国家或地区,都已成为最佳畅销书,他的CD教材更是个人成长类产品的第一名。
《激发个人潜能Ⅱ》是世界第一潜能大师安东尼罗宾最经典、最完整的教材世界上上百万人通过安东尼罗宾这套激发个人潜能系统训练教材极大地提升了他(她)们生活的品质,相比以往都会不同程度的彻底改变了他们的生命: 包括倍增收入、改变不良习惯、改善人际关系、减肥等等方面。
Welcome to Personal Power!
![《激发个人潜能Ⅱ》安东尼·罗宾(Anthony Robbins Personal Power II)[Bin]](http://pic.dxspjc.com/dx_pic/7041615/0522113.jpg)
Personal Power II
Have you ever said to yourself "It's time for me to make a change in my life" - then not followed through? What's the secret? Anthony Robbins turns personal and professional achievement into a step-by-step process you can master and measure over the course of 30 days. And he delivers it with a level of passion, power and playfulness that makes the process not only moving, but thoroughly enjoyable!
What You'll Learn:
Days 1 - 7
* Listen, learn and actually put into action these powerful success strategies:
* How to use the Ultimate Success Formula to take command of your future.
* How to speed your success by role modeling.
* How to harness the controlling forces in our lives: use pain and pleasure instead of letting them use you.
* How to erase the fears that hold you back.
* How to interrupt your present patterns of failure and condition yourself for lifetime success.
* How to use your body to create a higher state of intensity and passion in your life.
Days 8 - 14
Exercise your new knowledge and personal understanding to create change:
* How to control and direct the focus of your mind.
* How to harness the power and skills you already possess.
* How to resolve the inner conflicts that have limited your success.
* How to stop sabotaging your success and experience the joy and pleasure you deserve.
* How to make pressure work to your greatest advantage.
* How to set and achieve goals for every major area of your life.
Days 15 - 21
Experience measurable results as you put your personal powers to work:
* How to condition your mind to attract -- and keep -- all the wealth you want.
* How to avoid the silent killer -- procrastination.
* How to create consistent action toward the goals you have set.
* How to use 7 Action Strategies to achieve financial freedom.
* How to overcome your fears of failure and success.
* How to stop sabotaging your financial success.
Days 22 - 30
Enjoy unlimited success, confidence and personal power!
* How to create unstoppable self-confidence.
* How to solve problems quickly and effectively.
* How to increase the passion and intimacy of your personal relationships with Dr. Barbara de Angelis.
* How to achieve and maintain vibrant health and energy with Dr. Deepak Chopra.
* How to improve the quality of your life and career with Dr. Stephen Covey
《激发无限的潜能 安东尼·罗宾斯著》 中文电子书