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《Evermotion ArchShaders三维模型素材》(Evermotion ArchShaders)[ISO]


更新时间:2007-11-16 14:49:00

文件大小:1.09 GB




Evermotion ArchShaders三维模型素材
Evermotion ArchShaders
《Evermotion ArchShaders三维模型素材》(Evermotion ArchShaders)[ISO]


适用于3ds max 7、vray 1.5 R2以及更高版本。
《Evermotion ArchShaders三维模型素材》(Evermotion ArchShaders)[ISO]

《Evermotion ArchShaders三维模型素材》(Evermotion ArchShaders)[ISO]

这 就是由evermotion.org出品的ArchShaders vol. 2 V-Ray材质合集,通过使用它你可以轻松快捷的调用到你想要的各种材质类型并大大的提高你的工作效率。其中包含了1000个带Vray参数的材质库文件 及850多个材质贴图文件,从中你可以找到日常工作中所需的各种常用材质类型,如:砖块、玻璃、木地板、石材...

ArchShaders vol. 2 for V-RAY

Almost all of us sometimes have that feeling of irritation after many hours working on perfect shaders. Water is to dry, glass is to matt and the leather looks much more like cotton. Now you can forget about it! We would like to present you new library of 1000 professional shaders with about 850 textures. You will find here everything you need. Bricks, glass, wooden floor, stone paving and much more. With Archshaders you will be able to build scenes faster than before. Just pick and use.
This production is prepared only for 3ds max 8 or higher and vray 1.5 R3 or newest.
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