Gnomon Imaginative Illustration
![《奇幻创意概念手绘》(Gnomon Imaginative Illustration)[DVDRip]](
07年最新有关科幻和幻想题材方面的创意概念手绘教程,Gnomon Imaginative Illustration with J.P.Targete Vol 2:Tonal Underpainting And Detailing
DVD1教程会带来令你兴奋的创意和技巧,教会你如何着手绘出富有幻想般的精美插画.Dark Riders"暗黑骑士" 就是作者完全通过想像构思所绘制出来的.祥细讲解了从最基本最原始的想像舞台开始,经概念设计,到最终的着色素描.以及场景个性,装束, 武器和动作姿势如何影响最后的作品等等.在讲解的过程中,作者也使用到传统的媒体方法如:作记号,丙烯酸,油漆等来诠释每一个过程的优势所在.
此为DVD2,在这一教程中,J.P将创造一个完全只有黑白的色调低层色插画.祥细重点描述了插画合成,评估,光线上的设计技巧.你将会学习如何使用Adobe PS图像处理软件和变形工具很地快描述背景和预先制造的最初画像。 J.P. 也诠释了如何在视觉上修饰个性和现场以达到最终的色彩。
J. P. Targete非常热爱科幻和幻想题材的美术作品,对于早期的绘画大师有深入了解。例如《Bantam》、《Tor》、《Berkley》等,他细腻的着色手法以及对颜色生动演绎吸引了很多发行商的注意。最近Targete刚刚为Bradford Exchange完成了一批奇幻收藏画系列。他的美术作品每年都会在Spectrum展出,并且在1999年获得了“当代最佳奇幻美术作品奖”,他为《Sharon Shinn》书刊创作的画作《水晶包裹》被提名为“切斯利奖”,2000年他为《Douglas Niles》创作的封面画稿“中心圆圈”获得了切斯利奖的最佳封面奖。
Final drawing layout
Importance of Tonal Paintings
Value and Lighting
Character and Creature Detailing and Storytelling
Using Pre-Made Original Imagery
Texture and Detail
![《奇幻创意概念手绘》(Gnomon Imaginative Illustration)[DVDRip]](
01: Underdrawing Setup
02: The Central Rider
03: The Main Mount
04: Rider Two
05: Rider Two's Mount
06: Rider Three
07: Middle-Ground Humans
08: Humans Continued
09: Texturing
10: Background/Castle Painting
11: Finishing
![《奇幻创意概念手绘》(Gnomon Imaginative Illustration)[DVDRip]](
![《奇幻创意概念手绘》(Gnomon Imaginative Illustration)[DVDRip]](
J.P. is an accomplished digital and traditional illustrator, concept artist and art director for books and video games. He attended the School of Visual Arts in New York and started working professionally at age twenty, illustrating book covers for Avon Books. Soon after, he got his big break and began illustrating sci-fi and fantasy book covers for Berkeley/Ace Books, Bantam Books and Warner Books. He continued to do work for Wizards of the Coast, The Science Fiction Book Club and many role playing game companies. With over 300 book covers, J.P.'s work has also been published in Spectrum and on collectable plates from the Bradford Exchange. In 2000 J.P. won the A.S.F.A. Chesley Award for best paperback book cover. After many years of illustrating he decided to try his hand at concept art and landed a job with NCsoft. That same year he became Art Director at NCsoft Santa Monica, where he worked on creatures and environments for games such as Tabula Rasa and Aion. He is currently freelancing for publishers and video game companies and is working on a full color graphic novel.
![《奇幻创意概念手绘》(Gnomon Imaginative Illustration)[DVDRip]](