Gnomon Comic Book Pencilling

Gnomon出品的漫画制作教程,在本教学中,Stephen Platt介绍给大家如何区分模式,绘制阴影,色彩等.并且介绍了漫画工业的制作流程.喜欢漫画的朋友,你想过自己来创作绘制漫画吗,此教程就是你最好的老师.

this DVD, Stephen Platt covers how to create a fully penciled page from beginning to end. He begins with exploration in the thumbnail stage and enlarges the chosen rough thumbnail using a photocopier and lightbox. During the course of the demo, Stephen shows how he indicates change in form, graduated shadows, texture and mass, all while maintaining a dramatic graphic expression. In addition, he discusses industry conventions as well as advice on portfolios and earning a living in professional comics.

2 hours of lecture.
Thumbnails and Composition Indicating Textures
Lightbox and Enlargement Foreshortening and
Initial Laying in of Forms Indicating Plane Change
Rendering Musculature Industry

Stephen Platt is a professional concept/comic artist living and working in Los Angeles. He has been working in the field of comics for thirteen years. His comic clients include Marvel Comics, DC Comics and Image Comics. Stephen has drawn various titles including “Moon Knight”, “Cable”, “Wolverine” and the best selling “Wolverine/Cable” graphic novel. He also worked on his own creator-owned title, the best-selling ”Soul Saga” published through Image Comics. He has collaborated with some of the industry's most respected writers including Alan Moore, Jeph Loeb, Chris Claremont and Joe Casey. Stephen continued to expand his artistic horizons when he began working in the film industry as a conceptual artist/art director. In addition to having directed visual effects on various award-winning music videos, Stephen’s credits include Blade III, Torque, The Fog, John Carter of Mars, Neuromancer, Outlander and the upcoming Iron Man directed by Jon Favreau.