![《MAYA 动画教程》(DIGITAL TUTORS BODY MECHANICS AND ANIMATION IN MAYA)[Bin]](http://pic.dxspjc.com/dx_pic/6112815/0352244.jpg)
支持软件: Maya 6.5 and higher (Maya 7 required for project files)
时间长度: 6 hrs. 49 min.
QUOTEEasily learn character animation and the body mechanics involved for lifting
heavy objects and add style, personality, and life to you next animation. Contains
nearly 7 hours of project-based training. Perfect for beginning and experienced
Popular highlights include:
Exploring the Body Mechanics of a Heavy Lift
Animating to Show Believable Weight and Tension
Proper Timing and Spacing using Rhythm
Working with Storyboards
Pose to Pose Method
Adding Arcs
Overlapping for Fluid Motion
Exaggerating Poses for Appealing Movement
Graph Editor
Weighted Tangency & Free Tangent Weights
Modifying Tangents
Editing Timing of Actions with Character Sets
Animating the Body in Sections
Animation Hot Keys
Character Animation and Object Checklist