![《3ds max与shake联合教程-好莱坞电影工业数字艺术》(Gnomon Set Extension and Lighting Effects)[ISO]](http://pic.dxspjc.com/dx_pic/6111510/5305929.jpg)
![《3ds max与shake联合教程-好莱坞电影工业数字艺术》(Gnomon Set Extension and Lighting Effects)[ISO]](http://pic.dxspjc.com/dx_pic/6111510/5305791.jpg)
3ds max与shake联合教程-好莱坞电影工业数字艺术Gnomon Set Extension and Lighting Effects
好莱坞顶级设计师Chris Stoski的一份最新CG电影工业教程,Chris Stoski是著名的CG设计师,与Ryan Church.同样是一个让人羡慕又嫉妒的名字。不可多得,通过本教程让我们直面大师的教学。 Chris Stoski 是在视觉特效艺术matte painters以及概念艺术设计领域的领袖级人物,他的客户以及公司包括了: Light & Magic工业光魔公司, Lucasfilm卢卡斯电影公司, Matte World Digital, Warner Brothers, 20th Century Fox, Dreamworks, Touchstone Pictures and The Cartoon Network to name a few等等好莱坞大型影视制作公司。d’artiste: Matte Painting”这本书籍离不开他的关系,他参与制作的电影包括:《星战前传3:西斯的反击》, 《午夜凶铃》美国版, 《最后的武士》以及最新的《加勒比海盗2》.
教学软件:Autodesk 3ds Max;
Apple Shake;
当今电影工业,大多数产品需要依赖数字外延设定。在本张Matte Painting系列教学DVD中,Chris Stoski 将向你展示怎样用数字外延完成设定。教学中将用两个实例展示在图片中简单、复杂灯光,处理高难度灯光调整,使用3D软件匹配视图摄象机角度,在合成环境中添加摄象机运动。除了Adobe Photoshop,Chris还使用了Autodesk 3ds Max和Apple Shake 来完成这些例子,当然你可以使用其他流行3D和合成软件将此技术贯彻得更好。本张DVD适合所有技术级别的用户。Chris Stoski将带领读者进入令人惊异的,照片般真实的用于电影,电视和游戏的场景和背景的绘画世界里。在著名的《星球大战三》和《指环王三部曲》中,Matte Painting都大量运用到影片制作!
In today’s feature film industry, productions are in constant need of digital set extensions. On this third DVD in a series, Chris Stoski shows how digital set extensions are achieved. The lecture uses two examples to demonstrate matching simple and complex lighting in the plate photography, dealing with difficult lighting changes, matching the camera angle of the plate with 3D software, and adding camera movement in a compositing environment. The lecture results in the creation of two beautiful moving shots. In addition to Adobe Photoshop®, Chris uses Autodesk 3ds Max and Apple Shake to create these examples, but the techniques can be implemented with other popular 3D and compositing software as well. This DVD is designed for all skill levels.
Over 3 hours of lecture.
Plate Analysis
Perspective Matching
3D Modeling
Motion Picture Plates
Digital Painting
01: Working with the Plate
02: Painting the Set Extension
03: Compositing the Final Shot
04: Concept Sketch and Camera Matching
05: Painting, Modeling and Lighting
06: Test Composites and Modeling
07: Sign Animation and Compositing
08: Final Compositing and Painting