全名:MAYA角色搭建动画技术教程之1 —— Fahrenheit Digital RIGGING FOR FEATURE ANIMATION - part One of a three patr series
官方网址: http://www.fahrenheitdigital.com/dvds/rigging/feature-animation-rigging-dvd.php
讲师:Aaron Holly
教程是Maya动画、角色搭建技术、骨骼绑定、CG艺术方面极具全面的专著教程.全面的技术层面讲解rig技法应用于Alias Maya之上。这张DVD高清晰视频教学包括了9小时高质量教学、共52个视频文件、也包括了场景文件、以及大量的用户MEL scripts脚本。
教程独特介绍了如何使rigging在动画管线中起作用。涵盖了艺术家和动画师的rigging技术的必备知识。寄希望于这张DVD教程来提高rigging方面的 Maya技术,或通过对这视频教程的学习来成为一名RIGGING技法完善的CG艺术家。让我们开始通向RIGGING艺术路!
本教程由著名动画家Aaron Holly讲解,他是一位迪斯尼角色动画师,参与多部电视动画制作!本教程Aaron Holly全面的讲述Rigging的技法.从角色的头部到脚趾动画.每个章节都对RIGGING的技术都全面而完成.不遗漏一点Rigging技法.
Drawing on years of production experience in various studios, Aaron guides you through the tools & techniques to rig a character typical of major Feature Animation studios completely, from head to toe.
Every chapter is complete and thorough, making sure that no step or information is skipped or glossed over. You will gain a complete and thorough understanding of the underlying concepts & tools of Rigging for Feature Animation.
Rigging for Feature Animation provides complete and thorough training for anyone interested in learning these tools & techniques for the first time and is equally valuable to those looking to add to their arsenal of techniques.
Over 9 hours of lessons.
关于讲师:Aaron Holly
Aaron Holly现为Tippett Studio特效艺术公司的主管,参与Light + Magic,ESC Entertainment公司,“梦工厂”电影制作公司,迪斯尼动画公司的商业作品制作!
Aaron Holly has worked as a Character Technical Director at Tippett Studio, Industrial Light + Magic, ESC Entertainment, DreamWorks Animation & currently Disney Feature Animation. Aaron has also taught at the Academy of Art University and continues to lecture.
全名:MAYA角色搭建动画技术教程之2 —— Fahrenheit Digital Skinning For Feature Animatin - part two of a three patr series是继MAYA角色搭建动画技术教程之1 Fahrenheit Digital RIGGING FOR FEATURE ANIMATION后的第二部角色搭建动画技术,是对它的完美补充。全套3部。
教程是Maya动画、角色搭建技术、骨骼绑定、CG艺术方面极具全面的专著教程.全面的技术层面讲解skinning技法应用于Alias Maya之上。这张DVD高清晰视频教学包括了10小时高质量教学、共41个视频文件、也包括了场景文件、以及大量的用户MEL scripts脚本。
教程独特介绍了如何使skinning在动画中起作用。涵盖了艺术家和动画师的skinning技术的必备知识。本教程由著名动画家Aaron Holly讲解,他是一位迪斯尼角色动画师,参与多部电视动画制作!本教程Aaron Holly全面的讲述skinning的技法.寄希望于这张DVD教程来提高skinning方面的Maya技术,或通过对这视频教程的学习来成为一名skinning技法完善的CG艺术家。让我们开始通向动画艺术路!
Starting with 2D Animation as a reference plus a solid understanding and application of Deformations, Aaron uses out-of-the-box Maya tools and production tested techniques to cover all aspects of Skinning & Deforming a character without sacrificing the speed and interactivity that is essential for Feature Animation production.
Every chapter is complete and thorough, making sure that no step is skipped and no information glossed over. This lesson provides a complete and thorough explanation of the underlying concepts & tools of Skinning for Feature Animation.
Skinning for Feature Animation provides complete and thorough training for anyone interested in learning these production caliber tools and techniques for the first time as well as those looking to add to their existing knowledge.
Over 9 hours of lessons.
全名:MAYA角色搭建动画技术教程之3 —— Fahrenheit Digital FACIAL RIGGING FOR FEATURE ANIMATION - part Three of a three patr series是MAYA角色搭建动画技术系列教程的第三部,最后一部。
Completing the Feature Animation Series, this DVD teaches various tools and techniques for creating the controls & flexibility necessary for animators to create the broad range of expressiveness essential to Feature Animation.
Starting with a set of 2D pose test drawings as our target reference, this tutorial covers two basic approaches for tackling the controls & deformations on a characters face: Direct or Joint-Based and Blendshape-Based Deformations. In the end both methods are essentially combined to create a face with direct deformers riding on top of blendshapes, allowing the maximum animator flexibility & control without sacrificing speed.