全名:3ds max 真实环境创造《Deconstructing the Elements》第二版——Deconstructing the Elements with 3ds Max, Second Edition : Create natural fire, earth, air and water without plug-ins
这是一套权威而专业的、由3DS Max着名专家编著的书本(电子书)和DVD教学套装!是想进一步提高3DS Max技术的人们必备的教学。寻求不必花费更多资金购买插件而只用3DS Max就制作出完美效果的途径。本书包括了所有有关应用3DS Max的动画工具创作真实的火、土地、空气和水等效果的知识。Pete的专业眼光在每一页上都有体现,DVD上更提供了相应的素材和资源,从而让你学习的更加得心应手。他不仅教你每一步怎么做,还告诉你为什么这么做,让你知其然还知其所以然。DVD教程还包括5小时45分钟的视频教程, Pete还讲述了在3DS MAX8中创建真实的火焰,土地,空气,水等的效果。
这是第二版,For max 8!继第一版取得非常成功的影响而推出。高级的获奖产品书籍.不使用插件创建真实的自然环境,如火焰\大地\空气\水...Pete Draper著英国着名CG艺术家,有10多年的从业经验。

Paperback: 408 pages
Publisher: Focal Press; 2 edition (April 18, 2006)
Language: English
In addition to the reference material, full-sized screenshots and resulting 3ds Max files, there are extra tutorials in the form of videos which include Lava Eruption and Atmosphere Entry. These video tutorials adhere to the same format as the tutorials in the book, with the Introduction, Analysis (etc.), but in this case the author talks you through each step while demonstrating it all on-screen in the 3ds Max interface and calling on the reference material throughout. Books support website: www.deconstructingsupport.com
Boost your effects skillset with this 3ds Max workshop. Tutorial lessons give you hands-on experience in creating realistic fire, earth, air and water effects. This new edition is co-published by Autodesk Media and Entertainment, and includes new tutorials on entering the Earth抯 atmosphere, icebergs, lava eruptions and a photorealistic sun.
Inspirational color images cover every page of the book as the author shares his professional techniques and workflow processes.
Companion DVD
新增Deconstructing the Elements with 3ds max 6第一版PDF电子书,而光盘教程还没有,如大家有教程部分的话可否补充一下。

全名:3Dmax6 能量创造基础教程Deconstructing the Elements with 3ds max 6 Create natural fire, earth, air and water without plug-ins
由英国着名CG艺术家,有10多年的从业经验,Pete Draper 著。
这是一套权威而专业的、由3DS Max着名专家编着的书本和DVD-ROM教学套装!是想进一步提高3DS Max技术的人们必备的教学。寻求不必花费更多资金购买插件而只用3DS Max就制作出完美效果的途径。本书包括了所有有关应用3DS Max的动画工具创作真实的火、土地、空气和水等效果的知识。Pete的专业眼光在每一页上都有体现,DVD-ROM上更提供了相应的素材和资源,从而让你学习的更加得心应手。他不仅教你每一步怎么做,还告诉你为什么这么做,让你知其然还知其所以然。DVD-ROM还包括5小时45分钟的视频教程, Pete还讲述了其它的效果。
“祝贺Pete完成这样的杰作。我确信看了这本书的读者会发现它是那么有用,即可教学又可参考。我建议大家都来学习这本书,汲取其中的经验,提高自己的技术,提高我们的3D水平。”——Jason “Buzz” Busby
适用读者:3DS Max的中高级用于和对该程序有一定基础的人。
Master professional techniques in 3ds max with expert guidance from this unique book and DVD-ROM package! A must have guide for those with 3ds max experience who want to get more out of the base kit this versatile package provides. Save money by finding out how to get the most realistic effects from 3ds max without having to spend more on plugins. This book includes all you need to know to create realistic earth, air, fire and water effects with Discreet's powerful 3ds max animation kit. Inspirational color images cover every page as Pete shares his professional insight, detailing the breakdown of the extensive catalog of visual reference material supplied on the DVD-ROM to ensure your effects are more realistic when working in 3ds max. This information is then used within the body of the tutorials which teach not only how to create each effect, but why we have performed that specific step so that you have a complete understanding of all the processes involved.