视效领域的泰斗兼粒子特效专家Allan McKay录制了这套名叫《Turbo Training: Advanced Visual Effects 2》的教程。这套教程时长超过了6个小时,面对中级和高级用户。在这部教程中,Allan从介绍简单的DNA粒子创建过程开始,到复杂的如火山喷发、碎冰、喷洒的油桶和坦克爆炸等自然效果。
《高级视觉特效2》是澳大利亚视觉特效艺术家Allan McKay所完成高级视觉特效系列教学的又一张DVD视频教程.《高级视觉特效2》,由Turbo Squid发行,包括了7个基于Particle Flow的新项目,覆盖了高级粒子架构,脚本,合成,以及一些Particle Flow Tools: Box#1插件的使用.整个教学的时间超过6小时,该DVD适用于3D MAX中高级用户.
Visual Effects guru and particle effects master Allan McKay is back with another round of stellar particle effects as part of his latest training kit: Turbo Training: Advanced Visual Effects 2.
This time out, Allan has created seven new project-based tutorials that push the built-in Particle Flow particle system to the limit and beyond. With a running length of over 6 hours, this training DVD is aimed at intermediate and advanced users. Allan starts off with easier effects like creating a DNA strand out of particles, then ramps up to more complex natural effects including procedural lava and particle fire, as well as building a crumbling iceberg, splashing barrels and exploding tanks.