教程作者:Kevin HUDSON
The Gnomon Workshop 艺术设计殿堂极力缔造者,在3月份下旬发行最新三张DVD教程。GNOMON教程,每每给我们于激情与期待!让我们在CG设计路上不再独行!让我们共同期待!让我们共同期待与业界CG顶尖设计师的面对面!少玩多花些时间多学习学习,让我们的商业作品与众不同!
![《Maya高级汽车建模技术教程》( Gnomon Automotive Modeling Techniques)[ISO]](http://pic.dxspjc.com/dx_pic/6073108/1533817.gif)
本教程主题 :
Finding and Using Car Orthographics
Using Scale Models
Building a Rough Car Model
Refining A Car Model Using a Panel Approach
Building Car Rims
Using Guide Curves for a Smooth Finish
Using Booleans
本教程章节:01: Introduction to Base Concepts
02: Properly Using Booleans
03: Obtaining Car Orthographic Images
04: Aligning Imageplanes Using Blueprints
05: Aligning Imageplanes from Physical Models
06: Roughing in the Basic Shape
07: Breaking Down the Car for Refinement
08: Refining the Front Quarter Panel
09: Refining a Design Car
10: Modeling Car Rims
11: UV Layout Issues
12: Final Review and Conclusion
学3D只是一个过程;应用于工作、事业、设计...这才是目的,这套教程就是这样为你设计!这张Gnomon DVD,Kevin Hudson将提供对与多边形/sub-d表面管道等汽车模型相关的各种主题和技术的全景认识,讲述如何通过polygon/sub-d 来仿制汽车表面渠道的技术。本教程190分钟内建立了几部个不同的汽车模型,Kevin 展示了他的每个模型构建方法。他使用了orthographic和scale模型,在车体上粗加工,细化个体面板,创建表面细节,建立复杂车轮边缘,准备纹理模型。Kevin通过检验他自己的技术应用来为不同的汽车模型为理论工业标准。如果是你是Maya产品设计的,或是Maya建模系列的技术。这张高级产品建模教程将对你有很大的启发。本教程时长:190分钟。Kevin Hudson参加多部好莱坞国际电影建模设计工程。像蝙蝠侠概念车的设计!让我们花上些时间,安静的在家中直面好莱坞顶尖建模设计师的CG教导,学习先进的Maya建模技术以及设计概念以及贴图纹理技术。本教程DVD高清晰,包括设计每一步的源文件。
在该DVD里,Kevin Hudson从最初汽车模型逐渐从曲面建模转向多边形和细分表面建模,让3D作品细分再细分,后者更容易刻画细部,并容易使用贴图。
Hollywood, CA - The Gnomon Workshop is delighted to offer three great titles in time for spring. Kevin Hudson brings a modeling title, Robert Coddington offers a character animation title, and Dustin Brown introduces The Gnomon Workshop's first StudioTools DVD.
Kevin Hudson, Modeling Supervisor at Sony Pictures Imageworks, presents his second title for The Gnomon Workshop. In this overview of modeling cars for a polygon/sub division surface pipeline, Kevin applies his modeling techniques to different car models, showing you how to build a model, create surface details and prepare the model for texturing.
Producer Eric Hanson notes, "In this release, The Gnomon Workshop again delivers titles valuable to those in the 3D field." Says producer Eric Hanson, "Sony Imageworks' Kevin Hudson continues his modeling series by showing tips and tricks of automotive modeling
Kevin Hudson作者简介:Kevin Hudson工作于索尼影视数字娱乐有限公司已达10来年,参与好莱坞视觉设计的电影有:《哈利·波特之魔法石》《精灵鼠小弟》《超时空接触》《狂蟒之灾》《极地特快》《星舰迷航记VI》《异形大战铁血战士2》《剪刀手爱德华》《蝙蝠侠2》《刚果惊魂》...以及奥斯卡最佳动画短片《The Chubbchubbs》。
“Kevin Hudson breathes a life of staggering reality into all his modeling creations. His longevity as a modeling supervisor at Sony Pictures Imageworks is a testament to his continued development and ability to stay ahead of the pack, Kevin's forward thinking and unbridled enthusiasm is evident in both his work and his teaching. Without a doubt, he is one of the industry's leading professionals.”
- Marco Marenghi
Animation Supervisor
Ghost Rider
Sony Pictures Imageworks
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![《Maya高级汽车建模技术教程》( Gnomon Automotive Modeling Techniques)[ISO]](http://pic.dxspjc.com/dx_pic/6073108/1533465.gif)