Swim Fast Butterfly
Tips and techniques from US swimming stars and top coaches. Learn the techniques that were used to develop gold medal winning performances. The DVD's are beautifully illustrated, above and below the water. Clear swimming footage and highly recommended.
Michael Phelps and Bob Bowman
Micheal Phelps one of America's great competitive swimmers has developed a style and competitive focus which has captivated the swimming world. he is known for his versatility, in posting world class times in all strokes and distances. The DVD features three components, line, rythmn and energy.
Bob Bowman, top US swimming coach, guides you through this programme.
菲尔普斯(Michael Phelps)
姓名:菲尔普斯(Michael Phelps)
这是USA Swimming 出的 Swim Fast 系列DVD之一,由美国游泳名将Michael Phelps 和他的教练一起为大家讲解其训练过程。该系列包括1 和摩西练蛙泳 Breaststroke with Ed Moses and Peter Morgan; 2 和本科练自由泳Freestyle with Lindsay Benko and Mark Schubert 和该片Butterfly With Michael Phelps and Bob Bowman。分别展示了三大泳姿美国的世界冠军们训练的方式过程。