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《3ds max逼真江南小镇建模与材质贴图设计教程》(Gnomon 3ds max Environment Creation for Production)


更新时间:2006-06-13 09:58:00

文件大小:2.67 GB




在2006.5月中旬The Gnomon Workshop出品的精品级3DS MAX教程,由CG高级特效总监Tim Jones讲授,用于高质量的游戏,电影等商业应用。这两张DVD教程中,作者向我们展示他高超的建模,材质纹理,灯光光照,渲染等技法,以现实这高质量的逼真数字环境创建!学3D只是一个过程;应用于工作、事业、设计...这才是目的,这套教程就是这样为你设计!
《3ds max逼真江南小镇建模与材质贴图设计教程》(Gnomon 3ds max Environment Creation for Production)

在这张DVD中,Tim将带你完成利用3DS MAX进行逼真环境创建的整个过程,从最初的参考图片分析并决定出真实世界物体的三维关系开始,全部包括3D建模及纹理贴图整个过程。对于想创作出高质量的逼真商业作品来说,这张教程的设计技法绝对是对你3ds max技术的一种挑战以及享受!本原版DVD教程不仅详尽剖析了效果图的制作流程和技巧,还涵盖了前端商业设计需求工程项目设计理念。古语云:欲得其中,必求其上,欲得其上,必求上上。只有选择高水准的视频演示教程才能学到较高水平的技能。判断一视频实例教程水平最直接的方法就是看实例效果图的优劣。
《3ds max逼真江南小镇建模与材质贴图设计教程》(Gnomon 3ds max Environment Creation for Production)

---纹理绘制 01: Understanding Perspective 理解空间概念
02: Layout 建模布局
03: Pre-planning your Modeling Approach 预选计划
04: Modeling 环境建模
05: UV Mapping UV贴图
06: Texture Painting 纹理绘制
07: Modeling Destruction 模型修改

The Gnomon Workshop is happy to announce the release of two new DVDs by CG Supervisor Tim Jones. The creation of digital environments for the highest calibre game cinematics and short films has been Tim's area of expertise at Blur Studios. In these DVDs Tim shares his techniques for modeling, texturing, lighting, rendering and compositing highly realistic digital sets.

Many artistic and technical challenges are addressed such as understanding perspective, modeling architecture, tile roofs, stone pathways as well as decay and general destruction.

1:为ISO格式(安装Alcohol 120%进行虚拟或直接DVD刻录) 2:得安装Quicktime与Ensharpen Codec最新版进行播放。

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