水彩画是现代绘画中一项重要的表现媒介。 水彩画以其独有透明清澈的特质,不以厚涂而却能追求空闲、质、量和绘画上幻化的语言和节奏,使其能问鼎、深入现代画的领域中。作者从两张空白纸开始,Peter Woolley在这张视频教程中带领你对这个水彩风景的素描到最终的完成.通过本教程,你将学习完整的作品制作过程,学习艺术师的流程一,空间光线,影,颜色...等来使你的作品最优化.


This video, Drawing Towards Watercolor, takes you to “The Roaches", where Peter Woolley draws two beautiful scenes. He explains how to sketch simply.
Learn to paint stunning wet-in-wet skies!
In the studio Peter takes the two sketches and shows you how to turn them into stunning watercolor paintings.
He starts by demonstrating the creation of a “studio sketch“, which takes the location sketch one step further.
He also shows you how to draw with the brush, create stunning wet-in-wet skies, how and where to paint light and darks to show depth, and even how to go straight into a painting.