DOSCH 3D:Furniture V2.2 (精品家具模型):
产品包含 300 件高精度含纹理的家具3D模型DOSCH 3D:Furniture
New! Version 2.2
300 textured 3D-models of furniture objects for interior scenes, architecture, product design and technical illustrations.
The product includes furniture and equipment for kitchens, living rooms, offices, as well as adult and children's bedrooms. Also included are elements for the bathroom and additional objects like lamps, HiFi systems and TVs which can be added to scenes for lifelike visualizations.
Besides the mostly modern look, several furniture types (couches, beds, sinks etc.) are also provided in a more traditional style - so you are prepared for all kinds of design needs.
格式为: 3DS, 3dsmax (version 5 以上), Lightwave (version 6 以上), Maya (version 5 以上), OBJ, VRML and Cinema 4D (version 7 以上)。