中文名称:3ds max 角色制作教程 portrait of a girl
英文名称:www.duber.cz Organic Modeling.UV Mapping.Texture Painting

www.duber.cz出的3ds max角色建模教程(免费缩水版)
DVD 1: Organic Modeling | Portrait of a Girl
This DVD starts the series, logically, by showing you how to model a complex, organic model, demonstrated on a girls head with neat, clean and mainly correct topology in 3ds Max 8. The most important thing is, the entire DVD is uncut and contains everything from setting up the references to the final touches on finished model, so you don’t miss anything and all the chapters divided into logical chapters for faster navigation. This DVD contains over 9 hours worth of information. DVD was created for 3dsmax user but you can apply them to any 3D program out on the market today.
DVD 2: UV Mapping | Portrait of a Girl
This training DVD teaches you how to effectively map your meshes through new pelt mapping technology, classic mapping and various alternate mapping methods. This training video also explains the right way of mapping the eyes. DVD contains over 4 hours worth of information and like previous one, this DVD is also uncut and divided into logical chapters. I highly recommend the purchase of this DVD to all beginners and professionals.
DVD 3: Texture Painting | Portrait of a Girl
This training DVD explains how to paint textures from a photograph on your UV layout, what size of texture you need for your meshes, how to setup custom brushes and how to work with blending modes in Photoshop CS 2. This DVD explain in detail the creation of color map, specular map, bump map, reflection map, eye textures and what points to keep in mind during texture painting. DVD contains over 5 hours worth of information and once again this DVD is also uncut [may be Mr. Duber don’t like doing editing :0)] and divided into logical chapters for better and faster navigation.