英文名称:Fadings: Graffiti to Design, Illustration and More
![《精品艺术插图、绘画》(Fadings: Graffiti to Design, Illustration and More)[Bin]](http://pic.dxspjc.com/dx_pic/6041809/2757803.jpg)
软件名称: 《Fadings: Graffiti to Design, Illustration and More》 精品艺术插图、绘画
程序语言: 英文
软件分类: 国外软件 / 零售版 / 各素材区
文件大小: ISO大小:765M,Winrar压缩包大小:535M
适用平台: 所有平台
Graffiti, with its unique aesthetics and unconventional values, has had an increasing influence on several areas of visual communication for a very long time. Fadings presents the work of 24 graffiti artists whose commercial success has been based on their graffiti experience, including 123Klan, Flying Fortress, Viagrafik, Hixsept, and Atalier. To give the reader an understanding of each artist’s creative process, the book presents a selection of projects from briefing stage through development of the creative concept to final execution. Fadings is split into three sections: the first, From the Scene, presents a detailed profile of each artist (five to eight pages each); the second, Into the Scene, presents interviews with art directors and companies who use graffiti as a commercial visual language; the third, Clash, features work by innovative, upcoming artists from the scene.
Fadings独特美学的和非传统的价值涂鸦已经在视觉沟通的一些区域上逐渐在全球范围内盛行,《Fadings: Graffiti to Design, Illustration and More》艺术插图、绘画,这是部在Fadings艺术作品上最畅销也是被搜索内容最多的书籍。本站本资源是原CD!适合于Fadings艺术创作者、美术、绘画设计、插图设计工作者...此类艺术可广泛应用于广告、出版、艺术涂鸦、店面门面艺术设计、服装服饰....更可做为艺术家的设计启迪灵感...此类资源在网上相当少,突显其珍贵。
官方网址:http://www.fadings.de/ 以及:http://www.fadings.de/html_englisch/koerper.htm 广大艺术爱好者可根据网站的简介,按自己的需求来下载。
本书呈现商业的涂鸦是我们设计师很好的学习参考资料。 本书共介绍了24个涂鸦艺术工作室,包括 123Klan ,飞城堡, Viagrafik , Hixsept 和 Atalier 等工作室。 给读者理解每个艺术家的有创造力涂鸦作品, 书中对每一个有创造力的作品进行了全面的展示。本书共分为三个阶段来介绍: 从现场的第一呈现每个艺术家的详细描绘;涂鸦作为一种商业的视觉语言的艺术指导者和公司呈现给作者; 光碟中收录了:设计这些作品时的可安装艺术字体、动画、电影、这些艺术作品等。
![《精品艺术插图、绘画》(Fadings: Graffiti to Design, Illustration and More)[Bin]](http://pic.dxspjc.com/dx_pic/6041809/2757143.gif)
![《精品艺术插图、绘画》(Fadings: Graffiti to Design, Illustration and More)[Bin]](http://pic.dxspjc.com/dx_pic/6041809/2757163.gif)