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《REAL The Art of Rigging vol.2&3》Maya动画rigging极品教程


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《REAL The Art of Rigging vol.2&3》Maya动画rigging极品教程

CG Toolkit's The Art Of Rigging: Volume II 官方2005.11月底正式发行。第一时间为广大爱好者奉上。又一极大教程,使用软件:Maya。是Maya动画、角色搭建技术、骨骼绑定、CG艺术方面极具权威的专着,当然这张DVD还涉及到Maya的建模、渲染、Painting等。

这是原版专业书籍,极难得!!PDF大小238M!CG Toolkit 推出The Art of Rigging 第二版, 更深入的技术层面讲解rig技法应用于Alias Maya之上。这张DVD高清晰视频教学包括了数小时高质量教学、也包括了所有场景文件、以及大量的用户MEL scripts脚本。这又将是Maya爱好者的福音,让你的Maya技术具有神韵美。让我们腾出几小时时间,少看几部电影,泡上一杯咖啡,通过高清晰Maya视频教程身临其境的学习这张DVD精髓,多学些CG知识。
The Art of Rigging’是第一部真正让我坐下来仔细阅读的rigging方面的书籍。与其他这方面的书相比,它之所以会这么突出,不仅仅它具有丰富的艺术内容、吸引人的封面设计和板块结构,而且它对实用character rig进行了详尽的说明。 CGTOOLKIT这样的工作的确是给MAYA在全球的用户增加做了不少贡献。

同样,他重点介绍了如何使rigging在动画管线中起作用。在这方面,《The Art of Rigging》非常独特,这本书涵盖了当今艺术家和动画师的最前沿rigging技术。很多人都寄希望于这张DVD教程来提高他们在rigging方面的Maya技术,或通过对这视频教程的学习来成为一名职业的艺术家。The Art of Rigging Volume II的一大特色是它有一个涵盖了各种技术细节的DVD光盘,以及贯穿始终的现场演示文件,包括了所有的character rig和MEL工具。
总之,这张最新DVD视频教程内容丰富,且富有深度,并通过大量的抓图来形象的指导读者。很多MEL script自动运行的后台过程,都被分解开来,通过MEL在进行细细说明。在每一章的最后还有内容回顾。
The first chapter walks you through the basic character rig, the essentials which include setting up joints, hierarchies and connections all the while keeping it ‘unbreakable’ to the common animator. It is very concise and straightforward. The second and third Chapters cover squash and stretch and overlap using techniques such as stretchy chains and even hair dynamics. These little subtleties can be ideal for maximizing the capabilities of animating a creature and sparing the animators tons of unnecessary key-framing.

Chapter four is my favorite chapter because it is all about facial setup. Using professional research to define the real action units in the human face, the authors have come up with a method of defining facial shape sets and then applying them by using combined techniques via joints and deformers. It also covers how to build a user-friendly interface to connect everything manageably. The workflow presented here is clean, and if followed will spare the setup artist a major headache.

Chapter five is very technical in which it covers a ton of MEL scripting. It covers the construction of a user interface that will manage assets in the animation pipeline. Not the most amusing content to read on the daily public commute to work but if you can learn this your whole animation department will love you for it. I like Chapter six better because it covers muscles and fat. It is sort of a fun way to wrap up the book, and also shows off a neat corrective shape tool that allows you to set poses first and then edit your mesh.

Overall the text is written in-depth and informatively, with tons of screen captured images to guide the reader. Anything that is automated by a MEL script is first broken down manually as a setup process and then broken down again in MEL to explain what is going on behind the scenes. Each chapter also ends with a review of the material covered.

I look forward to the coming books in this series and hope that they inspire a lot of young people eager to learn a lot of what I was not able to learn in the classroom and at a much more affordable cost.
CG Toolkit's The Art Of Rigging: Volume III 官方2006.6月18日正式发行。第一时间为广大爱好者奉上。又一极大教程,使用软件:Maya。是Maya动画、角色搭建技术、骨骼绑定、CG艺术方面极具权威的专著,当然这张DVD还涉及到Maya的高级角色搭建技术,例如毛,布料,头发和面部动作捕捉等。
《REAL The Art of Rigging vol.2&3》Maya动画rigging极品教程
《REAL The Art of Rigging vol.2&3》Maya动画rigging极品教程

CG Toolkit推出的The Art of Rigging卷3,是该系列书籍的最后一个部分.The Art of Rigging卷III讲解的内容为高级角色搭建技术,例如毛,布料,头发和面部动作捕捉.

在The Art of Rigging卷I和II中,集中讲解了为动画搭建角色技术,而第三卷是为Maya的更多高级模块进行设计的.书中将详细讲述为动画角色添加毛发,布料的处理方法.并且讲解的实例来自于生活中,让你觉得新鲜和有趣,从实例中感受Maya的强大工具集.另外书中还讲述了面部动作捕捉技术.The Art of Rigging卷III的售价为$59.00.
《REAL The Art of Rigging vol.2&3》Maya动画rigging极品教程
‘The Art of Rigging’是第一部真正让我坐下来仔细阅读的rigging方面的书籍。与其他这方面的书相比,它之所以会这么突出,不仅仅它具有丰富的艺术内容、吸引人的封面设计和板块结构,而且它对实用character rig进行了详尽的说明。 CGTOOLKIT这样的工作的确是给MAYA在全球的用户增加做了不少贡献。

同样,他重点介绍了如何使rigging在动画管线中起作用。在这方面,《The Art of Rigging》非常独特,这本书涵盖了当今艺术家和动画师的最前沿rigging技术。很多人都寄希望于这张DVD教程来提高他们在rigging方面的Maya技术,或通过对这视频教程的学习来成为一名职业的艺术家。The Art of Rigging Volume II的一大特色是它有一个涵盖了各种技术细节的DVD光盘,以及贯穿始终的现场演示文件,包括了所有的character rig和MEL工具
《REAL The Art of Rigging vol.2&3》Maya动画rigging极品教程
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