QUOTEThis product is compatible with:
3ds max Accurender Adobe Illustrator Adobe InDesign Adobe Page Maker Adobe Photoshop
Allplan FT 16/17/2004 Animatek World Builder ArchiCAD Art.lantis Ashlar-Vellum AutoCAD
Autodesk VIZ 4 / 2005 Bryce Carrara Studio 3 Cinema4D (V5.2-V6) Cinema4D (V7-V9) Cinema4D (V8-V9) Corel Draw Corel Painter Corel Photo-Paint Corel Ventura Electric Image formZ
Houdini LightWave3D (V6-V8) M-Color (Motive Systems) Maya MicroStation PaintShop Pro
Plan Design (Nemetschek) Quark XPress RenderWorks Shade (ExpressionTools) SketchUp (@Last Software) SOFTIMAGE|XSI solidThinking trueSpace (Caligari) Ulead PhotoImpact
VectorWorks Visual Nature Studio World Construction Set
Version 2.0
Effective architectural visualization (commercial or residential objects) needs additional elements which help to demonstrate relevant dimensions and proportions, and which "add life" to the design. Such elements are in particular people.
Instead of using 3D-models which require extensive computing resources, VizImages: People - Private Life is an effective way for adding quality images of people living their carefree lives.
The clip-maps are perfect "cut-outs", i.e. blend into their respective background and surrounding beautifully and naturally - they become part of the overall scene and don't look artificial or super-imposed. The high-resolution images have a size of around 1000 x 2500 pixel per person.
3D EDITION included!
Each picture comes with the matching alpha-channel, as well as planar 3D-objects which have the correct dimensions of the VizImages (simply use the VizImages like texture-maps). So it is very easy to place the VizImages into 3D-scenes.
The images are provided in the TIF, PSD and JPEG formats while the planar 3D-objects come as 3DS, DXF, LWO, OBJ and VRML files.
As usual with Dosch Design products all Dosch VizImages are license-free, and can therefore be used in commercial pictures & designs at no extra charge.