英文名称:Double Star
版本:Sci Fi[科幻]
![《双星》(Double Star)Sci Fi[科幻][MP3]](http://pic.dxspjc.com/dx_pic/6022708/5821317.jpg)
作者介绍:罗伯特·海因莱因(about the author:Robert Heinlein)
50年代中期到60年代中期,是海因莱因科幻创作的鼎盛期,这期间创作了一系列高水准的科幻长篇,其中《双星》(Double,1956)、《星船伞兵》(Starship Troopers,1959)、《异乡异客》(Stranger in a Strange Land,1961)以及《月亮是一个严厉的女人》(The Moon in a Harsh Mistress,1966)四部获得了着名的雨果奖。
One minute, down and out actor Lorenzo Smythe was -- as usual -- in a bar, drinking away his troubles as he watched his career go down the tubes. Then a space pilot bought him a drink, and the next thing Smythe knew, he was shanghaied to Mars.
Suddenly he found himself agreeing to the most difficult role of his career: impersonating an important politician who had been kidnapped. Peace with the Martians was at stake -- failure to pull off the act could result in interplanetary war. And Smythe's own life was on the line -- for if he wasn't assassinated, there was always the possibility that he might be trapped in his new role forever!
One of Heinlein's top three
September 15, 2003
Reviewer: John S. Ryan
The other two are _The Door into Summer_ and _The Moon is a Harsh Mistress_. Heinlein also wrote a handful of near-great novels as well as some third-tier stuff that I don't care about rereading. (And his nonfiction, unlike Asimov's, isn't worth the paper it's printed on.) But these three novels are magisterial, and as close to perfect as anything he ever wrote.
This time out, our "hero" is Lawrence Smith a.k.a. Lorenzo "Lorrie" Smythe a.k.a. "The Great Lorenzo", a self-important and out-of-work actor who, at least initially, isn't all that heroic. He's approached about a job, and it turns out to involve serving as a double for a famous statesman in a public appearance. The rest you'll have to read for yourself.
It's a fast-moving, well-paced, meaty story, and it raises all sorts of fascinating questions about personal identity, character, and such. And Heinlein handles it all very deftly. Smith (why _are_ so many of his characters named "Smith"?) contends at one point that in order for an actor to portray a character properly, s/he has to _become_ the character, and it's impossible to do so without coming to like the character somewhat. Well, that's just what Heinlein does here with Smith himself. (Another of Heinlein's Smiths would later describe this process as "grokking".)
Oh, there are a few soapboxy bits, but they don't interfere much with the story. For example, at one or two points we get a few pseudo-profound quotations from statesman John Joseph Bonforte that sound suspiciously like Heinlein himself at his tub-thumpingly silliest (or perhaps some lost excerpts from the notebooks of Lazarus Long, which may be another way of saying the same thing). But it's kept under control. (In other words, this is not _Starship Troopers_ or _Farnham's Freehold_.)
This is one of Heinlein's finest and most tightly constructed tales, and almost fifty years after its publication it still holds up well. This is the master at his best -- and his best was very, very good.