中文名称:UG NX4 CAST
英文名称:UG NX4 CAST
![UG NX4 教程(UG NX4 Computer Assisted Self Teach) )[Bin]](http://pic.dxspjc.com/dx_pic/6022708/1942139.jpg)
CAST (Computer Assisted Self Teach) 是一个NX4的一个教程,涵盖了NX CAD/CAM/CAE软件的大部分主要的功能。CAST是你获得NX技巧的值得信赖的产品。
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± ±
± Release Date....: 2006/02/18 Supplier.........: FoRTuNe ±
± Protection......: none Cracker..........: - ±
± File count......: 30x15Mb Packager.........: FoRTuNe ±
±° OS..............: Win 2KXP App type.........: 3D MCAD ADDON °±
±±° °±±
±±±°°°°°° Support software companies! If you like this product, °°°°°±±±±
±²²±±±±±±±° please purchase it. This release is meant for °±±±±±±±²²±
± ²²²²²²±±±° evaluation only. °±±²²²²²² ±
± ²²±±° °±±² ±
± ²±±° °±±² ±
± ²±±°°°°°°°°° °°°°°°°°°±±² ±
± ²±±±±±±±±±±± R E L E A S E I N F O ±±±±±±±±±±±² ±
± ²²²²²²²²² ²²²²²²²²²² ±
± ±
± CAST for NX 4 © UGS ±
± ±
± CAST (Computer Assisted Self Teach) is a library of self-paced ±
± tutorials covering all the major applications of the NX CAD/CAM/CAE ±
± software. CAST is an accessible and affordable way for you to gain the ±
± fundamental NX skills you need. ±
± ±
± CAST is tightly integrated with NX, letting you display CAST in the ±
± resource bar right next to your model. ±
± ±
± http://cast.ugs.com/ ±
± ±
± ²²²² ²²²²² ±
± ²²²²²²²²²²±±±±± I N S T A L L A T I O N ±±±±±±²²²²²²²²²² ±
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±°°°°°°°°°° °°°°°°°°±
± ±
± 1. Unrar and burn, or mount image using a virtual CD/DVD drive ±
± ±
± 2. Install ±
± ±
± 3. Enjoy
![UG NX4 教程(UG NX4 Computer Assisted Self Teach) )[Bin]](/images/emot/smile.gif)
± ±
±²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²² ²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²±
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± °°°°°°° °°°°°°°°°°°° ±
± ±
± Greetings to all CAD lovers in the scene
![UG NX4 教程(UG NX4 Computer Assisted Self Teach) )[Bin]](/images/emot/smile.gif)
± ±
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