中文名称:3ds max 7.0-8.0 高级材质教程
英文名称:CG Academy Advanced Texturing 1
![《3ds max 7.0-8.0 高级材质教程》(CG Academy Advanced Texturing 1)[ISO]](http://pic.dxspjc.com/dx_pic/6012404/1228753.gif)
![《3ds max 7.0-8.0 高级材质教程》(CG Academy Advanced Texturing 1)[ISO]](http://pic.dxspjc.com/dx_pic/6012404/1228819.gif)
[已通过安全检测]瑞星2006 18.06.40
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CG Academy Advanced Texturing 1 - Creature UV Unwrapping该DVD视频教程官方于2005年12月份中旬最新发行的一张Max 7.0-8.0的高级纹理材质教程
在这张DVD中,业界顶尖专业设计师Dominic Qwek来教学,他在材质应用领域有着很深的造诣技术,Dominic Qwek将详细指导你通过一种快速而高效流程建立unwrapping,UV的材质贴图是在一个复杂的MESH的3D塑造的物体上(该模型在他的MAX高级建模Advanced Modelling DVD上,点击本站网址). 这张高清晰DVD视频教程分为两大结构体系,前半部分工作流程在3dsmax 7.0中完成.后部分教学主要将工作转向3dsmax 8.0新工具新功能的应用上,比如Pelt Mapping工具,还有enhanced Relax工具等。
CG Academy Advanced Texturing 1 - Creature UV Unwrapping该套教程使用软件为3ds max,通过本教程学习,可在材质方面上一大技术台阶,本视频涉及多种新材质应用技法,包含大量材质新技法信息和先进技术探索。教程画面相当清晰,内容详细与易懂。本教程共13节,包括设计源文件。教程从一个草稿图开始,之后非常细精的教你整车的设计过程,制作难度已经完全达到专业制作要求。DVD中提供了实例的场景文件和贴图材质,每章节中间场景、建模,保证了你学习更顺利完成。学习本教程的工作流程对Maya以及XSI用户也是极大的启迪。The workflows on this DVD can to a large extent also be carried across to other 3d software such as Maya and XSI。
Chapter 01: Setting Up The Model
Dominic shows how the 3d model can be prepared for the unwrapping process and what tools are to be used.
Chapter 02: Unwrapping The Legs & Claws
Dominic unwraps the legs and the claws.
Chapter 03: Unwrapping The Lower Torso
Then moves on to unwrap the creatures lower torso.
Chapter 04: Unwrapping The Arms
After this he unwraps the arms.
Chapter 05: Unwrapping The Upper Torso
And then moves on to unwrap the upper torso.
Chapter 06: Unwrapping The Jaw 7 Mandibles
Then Dominic moves on to unwrap the jaw and mandibles of the creature.
Chapter 07: Unwrapping The Skull
And finally the unwrapping is completed with the skulls UVs.
Chapter 08: Hiding The Seams
With all of the UVs unwrapped Dominic applies separate UVs for a set of blending textures to hide any UV set seams.
Chapter 09: Final Layout of UV's
And Dominic completes this section of the DVD by compiling the UVs into two large sets, one per final texture bitmap.
Chapter 10: New Features In Max 8.0
Dominic explains a little about the new features added to the UV Unwrap tool in 3dsmax 8.0
Chapter 11: Defining Pelt Seams
Then he explains about Pelt Seams and then defines them on our model
Chapter 12: Pelt Mapping
Moving on Dominic uses the new Pelt Tool to pull the UVs apart on a pelt that was defined in the previous chapter.
Chapter 13: Enhanced Relax Tool
And then he shows us how the new relax tools in 8.0 can be used to very quickly un-fold any overlapping UVs in our Pelted UV’s.