查看 卫生学视频教程 32学时 浙江大学 《国家地理频道-少林功夫入门》(National Geographic - Myths and Logic of Shaolin Kung Fu )AVI-简介及下载-生活,体育,武术格斗
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《国家地理频道-少林功夫入门》(National Geographic - Myths and Logic of Shaolin Kung Fu )AVI


更新时间:2006-01-11 14:48:00

文件大小:327 MB




《国家地理频道-少林功夫入门》(National Geographic - Myths and Logic of Shaolin Kung Fu )AVI



大师自幼酷爱武术,六岁随祖父习心意拳,内功等,之后拜山东名师杨昌顺、王保芝、关文彬、周树同习查拳、洪拳、梅花拳、二郎拳。1985年投师于河南嵩山少林寺,拜高僧释延佛大和尚为师,战严寒,迎酷暑,夜以继日,深习少林拳,十八般兵器;得少林内气功真传,十七年如一日,练就浑身硬功,最擅长少林绝学易筋经,少林三十六路短打。近年来,香港亚洲电视台、香港《南华早报》、香港《苹果日报》、香港《东周刊》、美国探索频道、美国《新闻周刊》等媒体对恒君大师有多篇专访和记录片面世,关于大师的记录片DVD《Myths and Logic of Shaolin Kung Fu》已被翻译成英、法、德等多国文字,在全球发售

Review from Amazon

Suitable for viewing by beginners and advanced martial artists alike. The producers definitely got a look inside the temple and the training that goes on there -- a look that is rarely given to outsiders. While this well-produced documentary gives a brief and skimpy outline of the history of Shaolin & martial arts in China, what it does best is show what the current state of training is like at the temple. Typically, boys enter the temple training at age 4 or 5 and within 5 years of training (at the most flexible, adaptable age) are already incredibly skilled. Also clear is the Chinese professional sports approach -- also adopted in their olympic and other sports programs -- of starting with thousands of applicants and winnowing it down to the best performers. From this DVD you get a good look at basic training, and could even try to learn some of the basic forms (which are presented VERY quickly) of Shaolin, which are difficult to find from authentic sources elsewhere. Fun to watch, well done, and a good martial arts documentary.
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