英文名称:Alias Learning Maya 7 | Foundation
[已通过安全检测]瑞星2006 18.06.40
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![《Maya教程》(Alias Learning Maya 7 | Foundation)[ISO]](http://pic.dxspjc.com/dx_pic/6012404/0901891.jpg)
![《Maya教程》(Alias Learning Maya 7 | Foundation)[ISO]](http://pic.dxspjc.com/dx_pic/6012404/0901596.gif)
Alias发售两本Maya 7的最新教学书籍,第一本是有关建模和动画方面的,而第二本是关于特效方面的,两本书面向的是中级用户。本站提供的这是第一本的Maya视频教程。视频教程共29节。 ,764M解压后为一完整DVD 1.22G!
这两本书的内容都是基于Sony Picture Imageworks的好莱坞获奖短片“The ChubbChubbs”。这两本书还各包含一张DVD,里面包括了课程所需的文件,“The ChubbChubbs”的指导影片。其中建模与动画书中还有价值460美元的Turbo Squid 3D模型,而特效书中则含有价值475美元的Turbo Squid材质。
Learning Maya 7 | Foundation 基础篇教程是你学习非常强有力三维动画的和影响软件Maya的入门钥匙。由Alias公司官方人员发行的学习技术的权威教程。也是你缔造3D世界的开始。
通过Learning Maya 7 | Foundation 的学习你可迅速而有效的学习Maya,可使得你在学习Maya上少走很多弯路。本视频教程用基于实例的Sony Picture Imageworks好莱坞获奖短片作实践经验学习,较其他的Maya基础教程有很强的优势以及针对性,你将会学习到模型、动画、渲染、动力学效应等技术到你的创作中。 更进一步,你将学习到一整个"蓝色"机器人和外太空的环境设计生产过程。还熟悉3D故事情节串连设计,通过本教程循序渐进的学习你会一步步入学Maya的技术,让学习不再枯燥。
帮助你更进一步发展你的数字化的艺术技能的专业人员,NURBS 和多角形一起作为你模特以及动画,贴图材质,增加视觉效应-Learning Maya 7 | Foundation USD $69.99,主要教程涉及内容:
* Maya 用户界面 (UI)学习
* 3D空间流程学习
* 用多角形技术做角色创建以及props
* 用NURBS创建有机的结构
* 设置keyframes和动画路径
* Trax非线性动画学习
* 前行和倒转运动学
* Deform surfaces
* 设置cameras和lights
* 质地与阴影
* 渲染绘制技术
* 探索粒子和力学
* MEL语言学习
本DVD Maya教程 视频教程共29节的具体内容如下。
Project 1
In Project One, you are going to learn the basics of object creation, along with the basics of animation, textures, lights, particles and Paint Effects. This will give you the chance to explore the Maya workspace while building your scene.
You will start by creating a room and filling it with objects in order to learn about building models. Then you will explore the rudiments of hierarchies and animation by creating a solar system. After that, you will experiment with shaders, textures and lights, which will allow you to render your scene. You will also explore the basics of the Maya particle system, along with some Paint Effects. Introduction
Lesson 01 Create a room
Lesson 02 Make a solar system
Lesson 03 Shaders and textures
Lesson 04 Lights and effects
Lesson 05 Particles
Lesson 06 Adding Details
Lesson 07 Working with Maya
Lesson 08 The Dependency Graph
Project 2
In Project Two, you will animate and crash a flying orb. You will begin by modeling the robot using several polygonal modeling tools. Once that is done, you will texture and test-render the orb. Finally, you will set up the robot to be animated.
To animate the scene, you will use a motion path and keyframes, mixed with some dynamic simulation toward the end. Deformations will also be used to add subtle details to the scene. Lesson 09 Polygonal orb
Lesson 10 Texturing the orb
Lesson 11 Rendering features
Lesson 12 Set up and animation
Lesson 13 Orb animation
Lesson 14 Rigid bodies
Lesson 15 NURBS modeling
Project 3
Project Three is similar to the last one, but pushes the level of difficulty. You will create an entire robot character ready for animation. First, you will model the biped character using NURBS surfaces. You will then texture, test-render and set up the robot to be animated.
Once the character rig is complete, you will generate a low resolution version of the robot that you will use to animate a walk and a jump cycle. Finally, you will integrate all the elements done so far to create a complete scene. Lessons 16 & 17 Nurbs texturing &
Maya render types
Lesson 18 Skeleton
Lesson 19 Skinning
Lesson 20 IK handles
Lessons 21, 22 & 23 Rigging, Animation &
The Trax Editor
Project 4
Project Four covers several topics that you absolutely need to know about. You will experiment with tools that seem basic, but in fact they go very deep into the hearth of Maya, which will leave place for you to experiment.
You will be introduced to several new tools such as polygonal proxies, subdivision surfaces, deformers, spline IKs and MEL scripts. You will also learn more about Paint Effects, constraints, cameras and so on. Lessons 24 & 25 Organic
modeling & Deformers
Lesson 26 Paint Effects
Lessons 27 & 28 Subdivision surfaces &
More rigging
Lesson 29 Blinking using MEL