中文名称:Introduction to Maya 第二版教程
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![《Introduction to Maya 第二版教程》(DIGITAL.TUTORS.INTRODUCTION.TO.MAYA.2ND.EDITION)4CD[Bin]](http://pic.dxspjc.com/dx_pic/6012404/0600586.gif)
MAYA的学习变得更加容易, "Introduction to Maya - 第二版" 提供超过9小时的教学,指导你完成建模,材质,灯光,动画和渲染的整个过程。是使用MAYA的学生和工作者的理想参考。
Learning Maya is easier than ever! "Introduction to Maya - 2nd Edition" provides over 9 hours of project-driven training and guides you through the entire process of modeling, texturing, lighting, animation, and rendering within Maya. Ideal for students, professionals, and companies using Maya as part of their creative arsenal, "Introduction to Maya - 2nd Edition" provides a unique approach to learning the most critical concepts of Maya.
Each lesson is designed to increase your productivity with proven time-saving tips and with fun, intuitive, and hands-on projects. Popular topics covered in "Introduction to Maya - 2nd Edition" include: a thorough understanding and overview of the Maya interface, working with different surface types, modeling with Polygon Meshes, sculpting NURBS surfaces, assigning materials and textures, parenting objects, using Skeletons, effectively working with UVs, applying rendering techniques, adjusting pivot points, utilizing the hypershade, Texture Projections, mastering history, creating particle simulations, creating an environment, and several additional lessons designed to give you a firm understanding of Alias Maya and enhance your technical skills.
![《Introduction to Maya 第二版教程》(DIGITAL.TUTORS.INTRODUCTION.TO.MAYA.2ND.EDITION)4CD[Bin]](http://pic.dxspjc.com/dx_pic/6012404/0600105.gif)
Training Overview and Setting Up the Maya Project
We will look at the final project that you will be able to produce by the end of this training kit, as well as explain the training workflow.
![《Introduction to Maya 第二版教程》(DIGITAL.TUTORS.INTRODUCTION.TO.MAYA.2ND.EDITION)4CD[Bin]](http://pic.dxspjc.com/dx_pic/6012404/0600112.gif)
Using Various Views and Panels
In this lesson we will talk about orthographic, front and side views, panels, as well as learn about various layouts.
![《Introduction to Maya 第二版教程》(DIGITAL.TUTORS.INTRODUCTION.TO.MAYA.2ND.EDITION)4CD[Bin]](http://pic.dxspjc.com/dx_pic/6012404/0600672.gif)
Channel Box / Display Layer Editor
This lesson will show you how to make quick edits in the Channel Box without actually using your tools. We will also learn about the Display Layer Editor.
![《Introduction to Maya 第二版教程》(DIGITAL.TUTORS.INTRODUCTION.TO.MAYA.2ND.EDITION)4CD[Bin]](http://pic.dxspjc.com/dx_pic/6012404/0600765.gif)