英文名称:The Shakers - Hands to Work, Hearts to God
常在服务器:Razorback 2Editorial Reviews
![《PBS震颠教派:亲手工作,全心属主》(The Shakers - Hands to Work, Hearts to God)[DVDRip]](http://pic.dxspjc.com/dx_pic/6012403/5909143.jpg)
早在十七世纪中,就有追求宗教信仰自由的人,自英格兰、爱尔兰等地渡海来到北美。1774年,八位属於贵格会的信徒,跟随领导人李安女士(Ann Lee),为躲避迫害,渡海来到纽约。因他们强调圣灵充满,及受灵感后的悸动,故又称“颤动者”(Shakers)。他们近乎“圣洁”的生活方式,渐渐引起注意,吸引不少人来寻求灵命引导。
此后十餘年内,Shakers在麻州、康乃迪克州、 New Hampshire 及缅因州建立了社区,过着如使徒时代“凡物公用”、不浪费、不懒惰、不虚谈、整洁有序、照顾贫困的社区生活。“亲手工作,全心属主”(Hands to Work, Hearts to God),这是Shakers尽到管家责任的基本信念,是他们建立“人间天上”的法则。
位於New Hampshire州Canterbury的Shaker社区设於1792年,至1992年最后一位老姊妹辞世止,共历两百年,现已改成纪念园区。这庄园佔地四千亩,目前保有二十餘栋木造建筑,农田仍有人耕种,木工房与蜂房也有人操作,他们曾以农艺与木工闻名。洗衣房内仍有他们最早发明的蒸气洗衣烘乾机,会堂(他们称为meeting room,即教堂)除了长木凳和墙上掛衣帽的鉤子外,一切清简,而只有一间课室的学堂,仍维持当年样式,这是他们教导所收容孤儿寡妇的地方。
在庄园里追想当年Shakers在此耕作敬拜,与世无争的生活情景,对照着现今人们喧嚣竞逐享受奢侈的日子,怎不令人羡慕嘆息?但由於工业化、城市化、物质化、社会福利政治化的结果,愈来愈少人肯走上这条简朴单纯的道路。如今,Shakers农庄只剩下缅因州的Sabbathday Lake一处,仍有五位兄弟姊妹维持此一传统。
From America's documentarian Ken Burns (The Civil War, Baseball, Jazz) comes this intimate portrait of a "serene creed" whose members considered themselves America's "chosen people." They called themselves the United Society of Believers in Christ's Second Appearing, but because of their ecstatic dancing, they are more popularly known as the Shakers. Its members put their "hands to work and their hearts to God," creating a legacy of fine and priceless furniture and magnificent architecture. A model for the world's utopians, the Shakers believed in social, economic, and spiritual equality, and in pacifism, feminism, and joyful personal worship. They also believed in celibacy, which is why, when Burns filmed this in 1989, there were but a dozen Shakers left in America. On-location footage, contemporary interviews with historians and present and former members, and dramatic voice-overs culled from diaries create a moving portrait of the Shakers and "[keep] the light shining bright." --Donald Liebenson
Product Description:
This revealing and poignant film by Ken Burns portrays 200 years of Shaker life in America, guided by the recollections of the three surviving members of the faith, along with a wealth of archival material from over 40 collections. Explore every aspect of this strange and noble sect that produced some of the greatest architecture and furniture in American history. It is the story of devotion, invention, industry and ingenuity, of simple crafts and dance. Shot at existing Shaker locations and narrated by David McCullough, the film includes Shaker music recreated from authentic inspirational songs.