英文名称:Hollywood Edge The Car Chase Scene Set CD1-CD5

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音色名称: Hollywood Edge The Car Chase Scene Set
音色简称: Car Chase Scene
音色类别: 动效与多媒体
音色格式: CD
全套张数: 5CD
市场价格: $3279
采用了曾获奥斯卡大奖的设备来进行采样 编辑和母带处理.这一切就好比是在制作HOLLYWOOD大片是的手段.这样倾力制作的音色盘 本身就是一个巨大的亮点.毕竟HOLLYWOOD的音效也是我们经常体验的!
汽车的碰撞、追逐,轮胎的擦地声、倒车、前进、起步、活塞、以及在各种不同的路面、各种不同的车型,以及各种不同的速度下汽车的声音……等等,这些非常特殊的动效,从一般的素材中是很难找到满意的,Hollywood Edge的这一套汽车动效,可以满足您在所有有关汽车的场景中声音的应用需求!是电影音效设计不可多得的珍品!
CHASE SCENE ELEMENTS Your hands are sweaty on the wheel.
The pedal's on the floor and you focus on the road, tires peeling out underneath you.
Finally, with a quick glance back you realize - they're after you. The sounds of a car chase are intense and easily recognizable. Cars crashing, tires skidding and peeling, an automobile leaving the pavement and bounding back down, and sometimes, a cliff drop, roll and fiery crash below. Because these sounds are so specific, and so hard to get on your own, The Hollywood Edge is proud to offer all of the effects necessary to sound your own car chase scenes, including high speed chases and crashes, all on a five-CD set.
The digitally, multi-track recorded and mastered effects include real impacts, crashes, cliff and water drops staged exclusively for this set.
Cars were dropped from over 100 feet and crashed onto different surfaces, others were rolled off of 250 cliffs, and special ramps were constructed for jumps and crash maneuvers - just like scenes for major Hollywood productions.
The multi tracks can be used individually or in any combination and consist of motor/exhaust, rear tires, interior driver's perspective, exterior bystander perspective and a mix of all of the tracks. Featured sound elements include: crashes (stationary and moving impacts), skids, peels, 180 degree spin-outs, surface changes (paved road and off road), cliff drops, water drops, cornering, other high speed maneuvers including driving at various speeds, hard ins and jumps/hills/bumps.
The types of vehicles featured include a compact automobile, full size automobile, sports utility vehicle/truck and a sports car.