书名:Mac OS X: The Missing Manual, Tiger Ed
作者:David Pogue
简介:本书介绍了Mac OS X Tiger版的新特性以及使用技巧。
As soon as Apple comes out with another version of Mac OS X, David Pogue hits the streets with another impeccable Missing Manual to cover it. This new edition explores the latest features in Mac OS X Tiger, such as Spotlight, iChat AV and Automator. Ideal for every user, this guide has something new on every page, along with David Pogue's celebrated wit and expertise.
书名:Windows Server 2003 网络管理
作者:Craig Hunt, Roberta Bragg
简介:本书能够帮助你精通对Windows Server 2003 网络的管理
This guide is dedicated to helping you master networking on Windows Server 2003 systems. In addition to fundamental concepts and essential TCP/IP protocols, the book provides a tutorial for planning, installing, and configuring various network programs as they're implemented on Windows servers. Ideal for system administrators and network managers.
书名:adobe Creative.Suite.2使用指南特别版
Special Edition Using Adobe Creative Suite 2 (Special Edition Using)
Get acquainted with Adobe CS2 with the help of the ultimate comprehensive reference guide, Special Edition Using Adobe Creative Suite 2. Not only does it include material that covers the new product release, the author and team of contributors also covers how to use the individual products and how to integrate them so that you can use the Suite in an effective manner. The entire Suite is covered, including tools that aren't as well-documented. With Special Edition Using Adobe Creative Suite 2, you will easily master Adobe Creative Suite 2.
书名:Linux® 核心入门:面向x86和PowerPC体系的自上而下学习方法
The Linux® Kernel Primer : A Top-Down Approach for x86 and PowerPC Architectures
这是一本linux核心编程的权威指南。作者独特、自上而下的方法即通过系统地描述从linux user space直到linux核心的功能性和将内核与user-level编程基本原理精细结合,使核心编程更加易于理解。这些方法有助于读者进一步理解其所掌握的linux知识,并从一个深的层次理解核心如何运作及其要素如何协同工作。
The Linux® Kernel Primer is the definitive guide to Linux kernel programming. The authors' unique top-down approach makes kernel programming easier to understand by systematically tracing functionality from user space into the kernel and carefully associating kernel internals with user-level programming fundamentals. Their approach helps you build on what you already know about Linux, gaining a deep understanding of how the kernel works and how its elements fit together.
24P: Make Your Digital Movies Look Like Hollywood
作者: Pete Shaner, Gerald Everett Jones
The digital video mode 24p captures imagery more nearly the way motion picture cameras do. It opens up a world of possibilities for digital filmmakers. But aspiring to ?film-look video? involves more than just flipping a switch on your camera. The authors share the secrets of Hollywood-style production so you can give your movie a truly polished, commercial look. You won?t need to beg major studios for financing to finally turn your movie into a reality. At last, you?ll be able to make your film, your way. "24P: Make Your Digital Movies Look Like Hollywood" is packed with tips and advice for making the most of this incredible technology. It includes an 8-page color insert and offers an insider?s view of the complete chronological sequence of professional film-style production, carefully examining how to apply the new technology from the craftsman who is most involved in or most responsible for each phase?from the producer and cinematographer to the director and editor.
书名:Novell GroupWise 7用户手册
Novell GroupWise 7 User's Handbook
by Eric Raff
出版商: Novell Press (September 22, 2005)
Novell GroupWise 7 User's Handbook is ideal for users providing information on the features of the GroupWise 7 client to solve collaboration and communication issues. You will be introduced to the significant new features of the new version of Novell GroupWise through step-by-step instructions. You will master the new version and increase your knowledge of GroupWise from the authoritative source, Novell Press.
书名:Visual Studio的 Office 工具:通过C#编程Excel 、Word以及InfoPath
Visual Studio Tools for Office: Using C# with Excel, Word, Outlook, and InfoPath
作者 Eric Carter, Eric Lippert.
出版商 Addison Wesley Professional.
内容介绍:书如其名,介绍了Visual Studio中C#访问 Office 中 Excel、Word、InfoPath文件格式的相关开发工具。
"With the application development community so focused on the Smart Client revolution, a book that covers VSTO from A to Z is both important and necessary. This book lives up to big expectations. It is thorough, has tons of example code, and covers Office programming in general terms— topics that can be foreign to the seasoned .NET developer who has focused on ASP.NET applications for years. Congratulations to Eric Lippert and Eric Carter for such a valuable work!"
—Tim Huckaby, CEO, InterKnowlogy, Microsoft regional director
书名:UML2.0 技术手册
UML 2.0 in a Nutshell
作者: Dan Pilone, Neil Pitman
總頁數: 216
出版商: O’Reilly
出版日期: 2005年06月
Professional Excel Development : The Definitive Guide to Developing Applications Using Microsoft® Excel and VBA®
作者:Stephen Bullen, Rob Bovey, John Green
出版商: Addison-Wesley Professional; Bk&CD-Rom edition (February 1, 2005)
Finally, there's a book that treats Excel as the powerful development platform it really is, and covers every facet of developing commercial-quality Excel applications.
This is not a book for beginners. Writing for professional developers and true Excel experts, the authors share insider's knowledge they've acquired building Excel applications for many of the world's largest companies—including Microsoft. Professional Excel Development demonstrates how to get the utmost from Excel, addressing everything from application architectures through worksheet and userform design, charting, debugging, error handling and optimizing performance. Along the way, the authors offer best practices for every type of Excel development, from building add-ins through interacting with XML Web services.
Write Portable Code: An Introduction to Developing Software for Multiple Platforms
作者:Brian Hook
出版商:No Starch Press; 1 edition (July 15, 2005)
If you're building commercial software (or even software for your own company), there's a reasonable chance you'll need to make sure it runs on more than one platform. Brian Hook's new book Write Portable Code - An Introduction To Developing Software For Multiple Platforms (No Starch Press) should appeal to you.
书名:让Linux变简单:Xandros 3官方手册
Linux Made Easy: The Official Guide to Xandros 3 for Everyday Users
作者 Rickford Grant
出版商 No Starch Press; Book and CD edition (August, 2005)
Linux Made Easy is one of the most user friendly books on working with the Linux desktop around. Part of the reason is the choice of the Xandros distribution of Linux as the included distribution. For those not familiar with Xandros it is one of the most popular of the desktop versions because the focus is on a user-friendly implementation. The author provides the details on installation and goes into much more detail than most similar books. He follows that with the basics of how to use the various included programs as well as how to download and install other popular ones. This book contains lots of good, detailed information on customizing your system, adding printers, interfacing with your PDA, using the contact manager, surfing the Internet, setting email, working with music files, working with DVDs, working with the office productivity suite (OpenOffice), and even playing games. Because of the attention to detail and very non-technical writing style this is probably one of the best choices for the completely new user who wants to install and use Linux as their primary desktop OS.
书名:Mac OS X Tiger终极技巧
Mac OS X Tiger Killer Tips
作者:Scott Kelby
本书包含了上千中技巧,可以帮助您熟练掌握 Mac OS X 10.3 版“Panther,同时还包括了 iTunes、iPhoto、iDVD、iMovie、iChat AV、Preview、Sherlock、Font Book,以及更多软件的使用技巧。
出版商: New Riders Press (August 8, 2005)
Have you ever noticed that in just about every Mac book, the author will include a couple of tips in each chapter (you'll usually find them in the sidebar, or at the bottom of the page in a tinted box). Sometimes it's a shortcut, a faster way to do something, or a clever workaround that just makes your life easier. People really love those tips, but there's only one problem--there's never enough of them.
That's why Scott Kelby, bestselling author and Editor-in-Chief of Mac Design magazine came up with the idea to create a book that's nothing but “sidebar” tips. That's right--this entire book, cover-to-cover is packed with nothing but those cool inside secrets, slick workarounds, undocumented shortcuts, and sneaky little tricks that will make you faster, better, and have more fun using Mac OS 10.4 (Tiger).
书名:Ethernet in the First Mile
by Michael Beck
出版商: McGraw-Hill Professional; 1 edition (May 24, 2005)
McGraw-Hill Professional出版的《Ethernet in the First Mile》。书中对IEEE 802.3ah标准进行了解释及说明。Ethernet in the First Mile Alliance (第一英里以太网联盟)则是一个支持基于802.3ah的,专门研究利用现有电信网络基础设施实现以太网宽带接入的EFM标准化业界组织。
书名:Adobe InDesign CS2 揭密, 豪华版
Adobe InDesign CS2, Revealed, Deluxe Education Edition
出版商: Course Technology; 1 edition (June 1, 2005)
This text offers a complete look at Adobe's latest release of its popular layout software, InDesign, including multiple projects like creating advertisements, brochures, and flyers.
Forensic Investigation of Clandestine Laboratories
Clandestine lab operators are not the mad scientists whose genius keeps them pent up in the laboratory contemplating elaborate formulas and mixing exotic chemicals. In fact, their equipment is usually simple, their chemicals household products, and their education basic. Most of the time the elements at the scene are perfectly legal to sell and own. It is only in the combination of all these elements that the lab becomes the scene of a criminal operation. Forensic Investigation of Clandestine Laboratories guides you, step-by-step, through the process of recognizing these illegal manufacturing operations. Then it shows you how to prove it in the courtroom. In non-technical language this book details:How to recognize a clandestine labHow to process the site of a clandestine labHow to analyze evidence in the examination laboratory What to derive from the physical evidenceHow to present the evidence in courtThe identification and investigation a clandestine lab, and the successful prosecution the perpetrators, is a team effort. A collaboration of law enforcement, forensic experts, scientists, and criminal prosecutors is required to present a case that definitively demonstrates how a group of items with legitimate uses are being used to manufacture an illegal controlled substance. Forensic Investigation of Clandestine Laboratories provides you with the information needed to understand how the different pieces of the clandestine lab puzzle fit together and take the steps to not only identify and shut down these operations, but also successfully prosecute the perpetrators.