![《CG学院粒子原理基础视频教学》(CG Academy Particle Flow Fundamentals)[ISO]](http://pic.dxspjc.com/dx_pic/2005092407/20050924072855364.jpg)
这是CG ACAMEMY出品的粒子流体系列DVD.此DVD继续通过各种对于粒子流动规则和力源的测试来深入学习3Ds MAS的粒子流体。测试范围包括...老化,碰撞,目标寻找,旋转,比率,产卵,速度等。力源包括重力,风力,拖力,旋风,马达和推力等。
CG Academy Particle Flow Basics以实际例子为主,多样不同的教授于你用3DS Max设计出真实的粒子特效,而这种是以一种非常有效率的方式去设计,粒子动力学、粒子碰撞特效。。。教程面向初、中级用户。以及在这方面想有更深入掌握的用户。
We look at how to approach each example in the most efficient manner, how different flow topologies can be used to tackle different effect problems. How materials can be used to produce animated effects, and how animated meshes can be instanced into our flows to help in realising our compelling series of effects。
![《CG学院粒子原理基础视频教学》(CG Academy Particle Flow Fundamentals)[ISO]](http://pic.dxspjc.com/dx_pic/2005092407/20050924072855329.jpg)
Flow Topologies Animated Materials
Splitting Flows Particle Spawning
Bubble Motion Optimization
这套CG Academy的粒子流教程共有5张。分别是:
1. Particle Flow Fundamentals 1 - Principles & Workflow
2. Particle Flow Fundamentals 2 - Operators1
3. Particle Flow Fundamentals 3 - Operators 2
4. Particle Flow Fundamentals 4 - Tests, Forces & Collisions
5. Particle Flow Fundamentals 5 - Practical Examples