英文名称:3D Total Textures Vol.14 Fantasy
版本:更新: 补发Vol.10 Trees & Plants
![《3D材质库》(3D Total Textures Vol.14 Fantasy)Vol.10 Trees & Plants[ISO]](http://pic.dxspjc.com/dx_pic/2005082607/20050826072423565.jpg)
![《3D材质库》(3D Total Textures Vol.14 Fantasy)Vol.10 Trees & Plants[ISO]](http://pic.dxspjc.com/dx_pic/2005082607/20050826072423534.jpg)
![《3D材质库》(3D Total Textures Vol.14 Fantasy)Vol.10 Trees & Plants[ISO]](http://pic.dxspjc.com/dx_pic/2005082607/20050826072423684.jpg)
![《3D材质库》(3D Total Textures Vol.14 Fantasy)Vol.10 Trees & Plants[ISO]](http://pic.dxspjc.com/dx_pic/2005082607/20050826072423780.jpg)
![《3D材质库》(3D Total Textures Vol.14 Fantasy)Vol.10 Trees & Plants[ISO]](http://pic.dxspjc.com/dx_pic/2005082607/20050826072423848.jpg)
![《3D材质库》(3D Total Textures Vol.14 Fantasy)Vol.10 Trees & Plants[ISO]](http://pic.dxspjc.com/dx_pic/2005082607/20050826072423845.jpg)
![《3D材质库》(3D Total Textures Vol.14 Fantasy)Vol.10 Trees & Plants[ISO]](http://pic.dxspjc.com/dx_pic/2005082607/20050826072423998.jpg)
![《3D材质库》(3D Total Textures Vol.14 Fantasy)Vol.10 Trees & Plants[ISO]](http://pic.dxspjc.com/dx_pic/2005082607/20050826072423911.jpg)
2005-05-18 更新: Vol.10 Trees & Plants
整理硬盘时偶尔发现还有这套 Vol.10,干脆一起共享了吧,这个以前有人发过了,就算是加速分流吧
2005-04-29 更新: 应要求上传完整版的Vol.8 Vehicles
前些日子流传在 eDonkey/eMule/BT 网络上的 Vol.14 和 Vol.15 都是成人内容的视频文件,这次我给出的 Vol.14 是真真正正的来自 3DTotal 的 Total Textures 第十四集素材图库,原来是分卷压缩包,我自己做成了 ISO 方便骡子下载,Vol.15 一有消息我会尽快更新
Total Textures 第十四集是幻想题材的材质库,比较适合用于游戏开发。其中的素材一部分来源于百分之百原始照片,其余的都出自纹理艺术家之手。对于那些本身包含主题或剧情的纹理,光盘中还额外提供了带 alpha 通道和反射贴图的 TIFF 格式图片,当彩色/凹凸贴图的缩略图旁出现 TIFF 或 SPEC 图标时即可打开这些材质。
Total Textures v14 is a collection of Fantasy Textures some created from 100% original photography and othes hand painted by our own texture artists.In the case of textures such as motifs and script, we have included the alpha-mapped TIFF files. Pre Alpha-mapped TIFF files give transparency to the outer edges of a map. 'Specular' Maps are also available as downloads. These extras can be dowloaded by clicking the icons shown below when they appear in between the colour and bump map thumbnails of a texture.
CODEThe CD Includes:
*195 Colour texture maps.
*181 Matching Bump Maps
*63 Alpha Mapped Tiff Files
*15 Specular
Split up into the following categories:
* 21 Architectural
* 30 Armour (including some blood stains)
* 15 Clothing
* 15 Ground
* 29 Motifs
* 23 Script / Alphabet
* 14 Skies
* 22 Trees, Leaves and Bark
* 26 Weapons
Welcome to 3DTotal.com's thirteenth product - Total Textures v14
Double click index.htm to open interface and browse CD contents.
Textures can be accessed from the html interface or
selected directly from the CD's folders.
Please send any questions regarding this product to cdsupport@3dtotal.com
Please send any feedback to sales@3dtotal.com as we really appreciate knowing
what you think of our products and in turn helps us with future releases.
License Agreement :
All contents of this CD 'Total Textures Vol 14' are copyright 3DTotal.com 2005
Any contents of this 'Total Textures Vol 14' CD may not be re-sold, packaged,
loaned or otherwise redistributed.
The contents of this 'Total Textures Vol 14' CD are offered royalty free when used
within a work of art. You may modify them in any way in order to conform them to your needs,
however any such modifications are still derivatives of the original image and may not be
sold or distributed as your own textures (whether to be sold separately or packaged/included
with any other products/files).
We have worked very hard to produce this professional texture collection,
yet it has been priced with the hobbyist in mind. We have plans to produce
future collections of similar or greater content but still within this price range.
Please support us by not making illegal copies of this CD and allowing us to continue
to release these future products.
Thank you for your support
Tom Greenway