![《品尼高视频编辑系统》(PINNACLE LIQUID EDITION)V6.1[Bin]](http://www.pinnaclesys.com/WebVideo/liquideditionversion6/English(US)/img/LE_withbook_.jpg)
System Requirements:
- Penitum 4 1.8Ghz, 512MB RAM, 1GB HDD Space
- Windows XP SP1+
- AGP 4x Graphics card with 64 MB
Pinnacle Liquid是目前功能最强并且最全面的编辑方案。品尼高Liquid Edition将即插即用与广
StudioTM相互兼容使Liquid Edition Pro V6功能更强,更易接受。除了提供专业编辑所需各种编
辑性能外,Liquid Edition Pro V6还有稳定的纯HDV实时编辑,SmartRT实时,SmartEDIT多格式
在这一版Liquid Edition软件里,没有保存(Save)按钮。软件可像注册表一样,每做一步都会自动保留在后台。如果发生断电等突发事故,软件可自动恢复到事故前的最后一步。这一功能在5.5 和6.0版里都有。这个功能有效地避免了在教学和实际运用中一旦发生计算机故障而产生丢失去数据的危险性。
(2) 背景生成(或后台生成)
在播放影片时,软件会自检CPU剩余资源,并加以利用,可同时操作键盘鼠标进行时间线缩放、素材库文件选择,甚至排列故事版。当系统遇到需要生成的情况时,Liquid Edition Pro 将自动使用空余CPU资源进行运算,不影响当前系统的使用。
Liquid Edition的特性
在HP XW8000 和XW6000工作站上,可实现普通DV的4层以上实时,一路做3个画中画效果。高端合成工作站特技效果:Liquid CX颜色校正、2级颜色校正、画面对比调节和选择颜色校正功能。
在Liquid Edition里,可以多个项目进行合并,不需要生成文件合并,大大体高了编辑效率和图像质量。
采用了GPU 特效
![《品尼高视频编辑系统》(PINNACLE LIQUID EDITION)V6.1[Bin]](http://pic.dxspjc.com/dx_pic/2005082507/20050825075615968.jpg)
![《品尼高视频编辑系统》(PINNACLE LIQUID EDITION)V6.1[Bin]](http://pic.dxspjc.com/dx_pic/2005082507/20050825075615521.jpg)
苒哌曹 懿膊膊膊曹 卟苘 苘膊膊曹?
苘荥 ? 膊曹 懿膊膊膊膊膊曹 膊圹 懿膊曹苘 苘膊膊哌卟膊膊?
懿膊? 苘膊策卟膊卟膊策 卟膊策苘苘膊策 膊曹 卟膊懿膊哌 膊膊?
膊膊 懿膊膊? 懿膊? 膊策 哌哌 卟膊膊?膊膊 懿膊策
卟膊?膊膊草 懿膊策 荥哌懿哌 苘膊膊膊苘 懿膊?
? 哌圮膊膊曹懿策? 懿? 卟曹? 苓 卟膊膊 懿膊曹苘
曹 哌膊? 苒卟曹苓 膊膊 膊膊?? 哌膊曹 苘策哌膊?
懿膊苘 卟曹苒? 哌 膊膊 懿膊策 懿膊策膊膊策 膊
懿膊膊膊膊苘 膊策圹? 懿策 苘膊策? 苘懿策膊膊 卟膊? 懿?
鄄膊? 哌膊膊苘膊策 哌苘膊? 苘苒鄄策 哕 膊膊 卟膊苘苘膊膊
鄄膊 哌膊膊苘 懿? 膊 懿膊膊膊膊膊苘? 苘膊策 哌膊膊哌
咣膊曹苘苘? 卟膊膊曹曹 卟膊甙 苘苓膊策 苘苘膊膊哕苘苘 懿膊?
哌鄄策 ? 卟膊卟膊曹 膊鞍 鄄膊膊? 苒膊策哌哌圹圻哌卟膊苘 卟膊曹 ?
薏草 曹 膊曹 哌膊曹舶? 卟曹 鄄策 ? 懿曹? 膊膊? 卟膊膊?
卟曹 懿曹苘膊膊策? 膊膊曹鞍 卟曹 鄄舶? 卟膊? 膊膊? 懿策
哌咣膊膊哌哌甙鞍? 曹鞍 哕鞍 卟曹卟曹鞍 卟膊 懿膊策 卟膊
苘? 懿膊甙鞍鞍? 懿膊舶? 曹鞍 卟曹懿曹鞍 卟圮 卟? 卟曹荥?
膊膊曹 膊甙鞍? 懿膊弑薏莅? 薏曹鞍 卟膊? 卟曹 膊??哌
膊哌膊膊舶鞍 苘曹鞍 卟卑氨膊鞍 脖曹鞍 卟舶? 馨? 卟槽苘膊? 曹
? 卟膊鞍 膊膊曹鞍 膊北薏鞍 舶辈馨? 卟鞍 膊馨? 卟曹 懿膊
卟苘?卟舶? 膊膊膊舶? 膊鞭舶? 舶辈舶? 郯? 膊槽馨 卟膊苘膊膊?
卟曹? 卟膊卟膊鞍 薏辈莅? 薏北膊鞍 鞍 ? 苘? 哌哌懿膊
苘膊膊膊曹? 懿膊草鞍 膊舶? 膊辈甙? 懿膊膊曹鞍 苘鄄策
膊策 哌膊膊膊策 膊鞍 圻鞍 膊哌鞍 甙 懿策哌卟膊曹鞍 卟曹
卟曹 ? 薏莅? 鞍 苓甙? 膊? 膊卟舶? 卟曹
哌? 苘苘苘 苘膊甙? 苘舶? 膊草 卟? 膊?
曹膊膊膊膊膊膊馨鞍 馨 苘懿策膊馨? 卟膊? ? 卟曹?
膊膊膊? 哌膊膊苘懿鞍 苘膊策? 卟曹苘苘懿膊膊? 哌膊曹苘苘?
?膊膊膊?卟苘 哌膊膊馨? 膊膊? 哌膊膊膊膊? 膊苘 膊槽圻
?曹苘 卟膊苘 哌膊曹? 哌懿曹荥? 膊膊? 卟槽圹圹?
?曹? 懿膊? 卟? 苘膊哌哌膊膊膊策? 卟苘懿膊? - t d a - 卟槽? 卟?
曹 ? 卟? 懿膊曹膊苘 哌? 卟膊苘苘苘? 膊圹?膊曹
苘膊膊曹? 懿? 懿卟膊? 卟?苘? S! 哌卟策 ? 懿槽圹 膊莶
懿膊曹? 哌膊策 懿膊 哌膊苘懿?卟膊曹 卟苘懿? 卟膊槽圻 懿草?
? 哌膊曹 苘膊卟曹 膊膊膊? 卟曹苘?哌卟苘 ?哌?懿膊??
哌膊膊策? 卟曹? 懿膊膊?卟曹苘? 懿? 哌 哌膊膊策 苘
哌卟膊膊膊哌? 策 卟? 哌
苘苘 圹膊 ?? ? 苘 曹
圹鄄? 哌膊 圹膊 苘苘苘苘? ?苘?哌 苘荥 ? 哌苘 苘
圹圹圹圹圻圹圹圹膊 圹策哌?苒圹曹? ? 苒? 懿圻 ? 哕 咣苘 哌哌 ?
圹鄄?哕鄄? 圹膊 圹策哌 ? 哌圹槽?卟?懿圯 薏圹 卟?圹曹 膊?槽圹圹圹膊?
圹鄄? 圹膊 圹膊 圹? 鄄? 圹鄄 苘咣圹? 捋圹哕? 圹咣曹圹?圹? 哌?
圹鄄? 圹膊 圹膊 圹圹圹膊 ? 圹圹咣鄄 圹圯 捋圹 槽圻圹?咣圹圮圹圮苘?
哌哌 ? 圹圹? 圹圹 圹?槽圯 捋圹 圹?圹? 圹?圹?
卟?圹? 圹圹 圹圮圹圯 捋鄄 圹?圹? 圹?圹?
? 槽? 苘圹策 圹?卟圮 捋膊咣圹 圹? 圹?槽圮 ?
咣圹圹圹策? 卟圹 咣圮鄄? 鄄策圹策 槽?卟槽圹圹?
苘苘苘苒圹 苘苘苘?苘苘苘 苘? 圹圮 苘苒圹?圹圻懿 ?苘苒圹? 苘苘苘?
苒圹哌圹圻捋?圹圻咣圹 圹圻咣圹 圹? 圹?圹圻咣圹 圹?苘?圹圻咣圹 圹圻哌哌
圹? 圹?圹?圹? 哌?圹? 圹?圹圹圹圹 圹? 圹?圹?圹?圹? 哌?咣圹圹圮
圹圹圹圹?圹?圹? 圹?圹? 圹?圹? 圹?圹? 圹?圹?圹?圹? 圹?苘? 圹圮
圹? 圹?圹?圹圹圹圹 圹圹圹圻 圹? 圹?圹圹圹圻 圹?圹?圹圹圹圹 咣圹圹圻 曹
苘哌? 哌? 懿? 哌? 哌? ? 哌?苘苘 懿?
懿卟 ? 苘膊膊膊苘苘 ?懿膊膊? 懿膊? 苘膊膊苘 ?懿膊? 懿策卟膊膊哌
懿曹膊曹 懿膊膊膊哌哌膊膊曹 卟膊?懿膊哌膊懿策??卟膊? 卟? 懿策懿膊策 哕
膊?卟?懿膊策?? 懿? 卟膊曹??懿哌 ? 膊? 懿膊?卟膊曹苘懿策 膊膊? 膊
卟膊苘懿膊? 懿膊?? 哌膊膊策 懿? 苓 卟膊膊? 卟膊膊策 卟膊曹 懿策
哌哌? ?卟膊膊? ? 卟? 哌哌哌
卟? 苓 哕
鄄 The Divine Alcoholics Present 槽
哕 哌? 苘? 苓
哕 膊? 咣曹 懿圻 懿? 苓
苘膊苘 膊? 策膊? 鄄? 膊? 懿策? 懿? 苘膊苘
苒圻哌鄄曹 ?卟懿 卟曹懿哌 哌曹懿策 曹策 ? 懿槽哌咣圮
圹 卟曹? 卟 策 曹膊? 圹
達苘? 卟? Pinnacle Liquid Edition v6.1 膊? 哕躝?
膊 Supplied By..: Jim Beam Release Date...: 2005-03-18
卟曹馨 Packed By ...: Jack Daniels Genre/Type ....: Video Production
斑卟圮? Tested By ...: Captain Morgan Release Size ..: 1CD->51/xx ->15MB
苘 咣鄄? Protection ..: Activation Method ........: bin/cue
圹圮 鄄? Developer ...: Pinnacle
鄄咣圮 懿策
卟苓圹苓 System Requirements:
? 咣圹?
卟? 苘圻? - Penitum 4 1.8Ghz, 512MB RAM, 1GB HDD Space
苘圹甙 哕 - Windows XP SP1+
圹鄄 捋? - AGP 4x Graphics card with 64 MB
咣圮 苒膊
斑咣圹圻甙 ?
懿? 卟? 懿
懿?卟曹苘懿膊馨 懿膊?懿曹 败苘
? 斑膊策 卟膊苘苘苘膊策 膊 掭 败懿膊膊膊曹苓? 哌膊苘
哌膊膊哌? 薏曹荥?苒膊策哌咣哌鄄曹 斑鄄曹
卟膊膊膊膊? 懿 鄄膊 鄄膊
斑哌哌 膊? 苒膊? 懿策
哌鄄策? 哌哌哌膊膊曹苘?
Release Notes: 斑哌膊膊曹?
Pinnacle Liquid Edition version 6, the most powerful and comprehensive 鄄膊?
editing solution available, is more powerful and accessible than ever 哌?
with familiar interface options and transparent interoperability with
Pinnacle's Studio. Liquid Edition now delivers native HDV editing,
SmartRT real-time power, SmartEDIT multi-format native editing and DVD
authoring, all within a single highly intuitive interface.
. Native HDV Editing
. MPEG IBP Editing (SD)
. More Accessible User Interface
. Simplified, Expanded I/O
. VST plug-in support
. Audio Timewarp
. AC3 encoding (Virtual Surround - 2channels, Dolby Digital 5.1)
. Direct XSend call for Wavelab
. Improved Keyframing
. Subtitling - CG API
. Simplified Backup and Restore
. Encode to WM9 with custom profiles
. ... and a whole lot more ...
Install Notes:
1. Install application
2. Generate serial during install process with included SSG Keygen
3. Disable your internet connection
4. Start the application
5. At the activation screen, chose: 'Activate Now'
6. Chose 'View Instructions'
7. Chose 'Enter activation key'
8. Generate activation keys for all features with keygen and
feed the next screen with it
If you fail to activate all features at this point you wont be able
to activate those later in Liquid but you can always activate new
features thru:
Start -> Programs -> Pinnacle Hollywood FX for Edition -> Easy FX Editor
-> Help Menu -> Enter your Activation Keys
Version Note:
The v6.1 is absolutely not a minor update.
As a matter of fact, the v6.0 released by RoME had a MAJOR bug: it left
watermarks in exports for most people, even legit users. This isn't due
to a bad keygen but is a true bug as you can see on pinnacle's forums.
This version also brings many new features and improvments such as:
. Fullscreen (Master Viewer, Source Viewer)
. Insert audio/video clips separately on tracks (using drag & drop)
. 32-bit floating point audio: More dynamics, no clipping
. ... and a whole lot more ...
Check it out:
? 懿策曹苘膊策
曹 懿 哌哌 懿??
苘馨 懿曹 薏膊? 败膊曹苘懿策 卟?
苘膊哌 哌苘膊膊膊膊苘?掭 膊 卟膊苘苘苘膊策 卟膊甙 ?
懿槽甙 懿槽哌圻哌卟膊圮 唼苘膊? 斑卟膊策?
膊槽 膊槽 曹 卟膊膊膊膊?
卟曹 卟槽? 懿? 哌哌甙
败苘膊膊策哌哌哌? 哌膊圻?
膊膊? Want To Be Part Of Team TDA? Too bad.
圹鄄 捋?
咣圮 苒膊
懿? 卟? 懿
懿?卟曹苘懿膊馨 懿膊?懿曹 败苘
? 斑膊策 卟膊苘苘苘膊策 膊 掭 败懿膊膊膊曹苓? 哌膊苘
哌膊膊哌? 薏曹荥?苒膊策哌咣哌鄄曹 斑鄄曹
Greets to: 卟膊膊膊膊? 懿 鄄膊 鄄膊
斑哌哌 膊? 苒膊? 懿策
To Those Who Have Gone Before And Those Who Will Come After 鄄膊?
苘苘 圹膊 (c) 2004 ?
圹鄄? 哌膊 圹膊 苘苘苘苘? 苘荥 ?
圹圹圹圹圻圹圹圹膊 圹策哌?苒圹曹? ? 苒? 懿圻 ? 哕 咣苘 ?
圹鄄?哕鄄? 圹膊 圹策哌 ? 哌圹槽?卟?懿圯 薏圹 卟?圹曹 膊?槽圹圹圹膊?
圹鄄? 圹膊 圹膊 圹? 鄄? 圹鄄 苘咣圹? 捋圹哕? 圹咣曹圹?圹? 哌?
圹鄄? 圹膊 圹膊 圹圹圹膊 ? 圹圹咣鄄 圹圯 捋圹 槽圻圹?咣圹圮圹圮苘?
哌哌 ? 圹圹? 圹圹 圹?槽圯 捋圹 圹?圹? 圹?圹?
卟?圹? 圹圹 圹圮圹圯 捋鄄 圹?圹? 圹?圹?
? 槽? 苘圹策 圹?卟圮 捋膊咣圹 圹? 圹?槽圮 ?
咣圹圹圹策? 卟圹 咣圮鄄? 鄄策圹策 槽?卟槽圹圹?
苘苘苘苒圹 苘苘苘?苘苘苘 苘? 圹圮 苘苒圹?圹圻懿 ?苘苒圹? 苘苘苘?
苒圹哌圹圻捋?圹圻咣圹 圹圻咣圹 圹? 圹?圹圻咣圹 圹?苘?圹圻咣圹 圹圻哌哌
圹? 圹?圹?圹? 哌?圹? 圹?圹圹圹圹 圹? 圹?圹?圹?圹? 哌?咣圹圹圮
圹圹圹圹?圹?圹? 圹?圹? 圹?圹? 圹?圹? 圹?圹?圹?圹? 圹?苘? 圹圮
圹? 圹?圹?圹圹圹圹 圹圹圹圻 圹? 圹?圹圹圹圻 圹?圹?圹圹圹圹 咣圹圹圻
哌? 哌? 哌? 哌? 哌