![《Starry Night Pro 5.0》电子星图软件[ISO]](http://pic.dxspjc.com/dx_pic/2005082502/20050825022833460.jpg)
这个是我先期发布的Starry Night PRO 4.5的升级版本,其网站没有中文介绍,俺的E文也不是很好,就不一一翻译了!
注意:安装之后,可以到它的网站注册,能取得正式的SN,这样可以在线升级彗星等天体数据!一共是3CD,我将DISK B和DISK C做在了一起……安装的时候会有提示,直接链接到相应的目录就可以了!电骡上本可以搜到DMG版的,这个是用它改为ISO版,可以用在WINDOWS平台上,界面比上一版本有了很大改观(有点MAC的感觉)……
做种时间: 每天09:00到23:00
Starry Night Pro 是目前比较受欢迎的电子星图,它的成功之处就在于与你的电脑时间(当地时间同步),你在屏幕上看到的星体也是现在你室外能看到的(当然排除天气和光污染因素)。同时也可以和市面上能买到的进口赤道仪连接实现GOTO(使用电脑控制望远镜的指向),这样只要你在屏幕上选择想看的天体,望远镜就可以直接指向它!
![《Starry Night Pro 5.0》电子星图软件[ISO]](http://pic.dxspjc.com/dx_pic/2005082502/20050825022833626.jpg)
![《Starry Night Pro 5.0》电子星图软件[ISO]](http://pic.dxspjc.com/dx_pic/2005082502/20050825022833862.jpg)
![《Starry Night Pro 5.0》电子星图软件[ISO]](http://pic.dxspjc.com/dx_pic/2005082502/20050825022833297.jpg)
Starry Night?Pro Version 5.0
Dive into the Universe!
Spaceship Mode: Galaxies
Escape the Milky Way. Pilot your own spaceship to explore 700 million light years of space.
Ephemeris Generator
Easily observe Mars in the field using data from the built-in Ephemeris Generator.
SkyGuide: Large Magellanic Cloud
Select from dozen of deep sky databases for the celestial objects and galaxies you want to explore.
LiveSky Panel
Get the most up-to-date images of the Sun and the Earth using the exclusive LiveSky.com link.
Graph Tool
Use the Graph Tool to plot Saturn and its moons. Quickly find out the best time to see the moons and on which side of the planet they will be.
Immerse yourself in the wonders of the universe. Over 100 interactive, multimedia tours reveal the fascinating science and history of stars. An elegant, easy-to-use interface lets you quickly tap into a new and improved suite of features. All the tools you need are at your fingertips. Powerful and fast, this program is a feast for your senses and fuel for your imagination.
New Features:
SkyCalendar seamlessly integrated with observation planner and logs
PGC catalog with 980,000 galaxies
New high-precision satellite tracking
Over 100 multimedia tours to deepen explorations and understanding of the universe
Built-in Ephemeris Generator
New, high-resolution constellation illustrations and panoramas to enjoy
Joystick-supported spaceship mode to maneuver around the Universe
Other Features:
Control most popular brands of computerized telescopes
Explore over 16 million stars and 1 million galaxies objects with online link to 500 million stars
Plan a night under the stars with the observational planner
Store comments and images on individual targets in observation logs
Customize field-of-view indicators to match your eyepieces stored in the equipment list
See the sky from any location in the universe up to 700 million light years away
Print full sky (180-degree) star charts of any area in the sky
Receive automatic updates of new discoveries and orbital data of satellites, comets and asteroids
For more detailed information, click here for the complete user's guide
To run Starry Night?Pro version 5.0 you need:
Windows™: Requires Windows XP, 500 MHz or higher processor, 128 MB RAM and 500MB of hard disk space. OpenGL?support requires a 32 MB OpenGL?capable graphics card. Minimum recommended monitor resolution of 1024 x 768 pixels.
Macintosh™: Requires OS X 10.3 or higher, G3 450 MHz or higher processor, 128 MB RAM and 500 MB of hard disk space. Will not run on OS 9.x or earlier. OpenGL?support requires a 32 MB OpenGL?capable graphics card. Minimum recommended monitor resolution of 1024 x 768 pixels.
Basic support for joysticks recognized by Windows XP and Mac OS X.
Requirements for Video DVD: Home DVD player and TV, or computer with DVD player.