![L&H PowerTranslator Pro70英法德意日西葡多国语言互译软件iso[光盘镜像]](http://pic.dxspjc.com/dx_pic/2005081801/20050818014016986.jpg)
本人使用多年的多语言全文翻译软件(其实里面有语音),只是在中文操作系统中诸如德语的ß, ü, ö, ä需要改写成ss,ue,oe, ae。
6 popular language pairs in 1 box
Full integration into Microsoft Office 2000
Instant e-mail translation
L&H International ProofReader
Interactively communicates in another language
Amazon.com Review
Software that can translate as well as a highly trained (and highly paid) human does not truly exist. Translation software technology is based largely on generative grammar, but the theory is still imperfect--and so is software modeled on it. Like all translation software, PowerTranslator Pro 7.0 (for English, Spanish, German, French, Italian, Portuguese, and Japanese) produces comprehensible rough drafts. But if the source language is convoluted or ambiguous, the translation will suffer. In the end, for 100 percent reliable copy, human translators remain your only option.
So what is PowerTranslator Pro good for? Professionals or students who need to understand foreign Web pages, e-mail, or simple documents fast can run them through PowerTranslator Pro to get the gist (and evaluate the necessity of an expensive professional translation)--perfect for multilingual companies and international projects.
Also, if you are a professional or amateur translator, it is an affordable alternative to pricier Trados or Déjà Vu software. True, PowerTranslator Pro lacks their sophisticated functionality, but its dictionary look-up from within Word or WordPerfect is handy, and rough-draft translations save time. It translates in HTML, RTF, and TXT format--or you can type directly into the two-window interface. Add your own terminology as well, so that future projects benefit from your existing work. Its biggest strength: 30 built-in technical dictionaries--you've got lots of otherwise-expensive references rolled into one.
The package also includes OCR software to change hard copies in 50 languages into soft copies you can then translate. Like most OCR software, it never works as well as you hope it will--but it does save time.
Caveats: Language teachers know instantly when software helped produce your essay, so if you're a student, don't bother with this unoriginal stunt. Similarly, if you're a manager, don't issue official memoranda using only the software. In the end, however, PowerTranslator Pro is a strong competitor in translation engines, providing fairly accurate results and meaningful extras--above all at an affordable price. --Erik Macki
Amazon.com Product Description
L&H Power Translator Pro 7 easily translates English to and from Spanish, German, French, Italian, Portuguese, and Japanese. This version includes an easier-to-use interface and enhanced dictionaries for increased accuracy. The integration with Microsoft Office 2000 products gives seamless translations that preserve document formatting. Use the L&H Web Translator feature to browse international Web sites and translate them on the fly, keeping images and links intact.
![L&H PowerTranslator Pro70英法德意日西葡多国语言互译软件iso[光盘镜像]](http://pic.dxspjc.com/dx_pic/2005081801/20050818014016652.jpg)
![L&H PowerTranslator Pro70英法德意日西葡多国语言互译软件iso[光盘镜像]](http://pic.dxspjc.com/dx_pic/2005081801/20050818014016496.jpg)
![L&H PowerTranslator Pro70英法德意日西葡多国语言互译软件iso[光盘镜像]](http://pic.dxspjc.com/dx_pic/2005081801/20050818014016780.jpg)
Kompetent, benutzerfreundlich, vielseitig - zur schnellen Uebersetzung von Dokumenten, Websites, Chats und E-mails.Schnelle Uebersetzung von Dokumenten, Websites, Chats und E-mails ob per Mausklick, Drag & Drop oder per Ausschneiden und Einfuegen.Mit modernster Technologie, die weltweit bewaehrt ist und zu den meistgenutzten Ihrer Art gehoert. Ueber 190.000 Eintraege im Grund-Woerterbuch fuer Deutsch - Englisch - Deutsch.Erstellen Sie persoenliche Woerterbuecher mit eigener Terminologie und Uebersetzungen und greifen Sie ueber eine einzige, konsistente Benutzeroberflaeche auf Ihre eigenen und extra erhaeltlichen Fachwoerterbuecher zu.* Knapp 150.000 zusaetzliche Eintraege zum Grundwortschatz Deutsch - Englisch - Deutsch. * Insgesamt 8 Sprachpaare: 3 mit Deutsch (Englisch, Franzoesisch, Italienisch), 5 mit Englisch (Franzoesisch, Italienisch, Spanisch, Russisch und Portugiesisch) * Logo Trans: Uebersetzt waehrend Sie tippen * Trans It: Uebersetzt direkt in andere Anwendungen * Translation Mirror: Qualitaets-Check per Rueckuebersetzen * File Trans: Uebersetzt komplett Files und Folder * Dictionary: Ganz einfach eigenes Woerterbuch erstellen und fuer Uebersetzungen nutzen * EuroTalk Talk Now: Um letztendlich die Qualitaet der Uebersetzung pruefen und gegebenenfalls verbessern zu koennen, ist der PT 8 Pro Edition der interaktive Englisch-Lernkurs fuer Fortgeschrittenere von Euro-Talk beigefuegt worden. * Zusaetzliche Fachwoerterbuecher: Business, Recht, allgemeine Medizin und Computerbereich.
![L&H PowerTranslator Pro70英法德意日西葡多国语言互译软件iso[光盘镜像]](http://pic.dxspjc.com/dx_pic/2005081801/20050818014016418.gif)