This is Version 2 of my SMC guide that should be able to explain how to set up nearly every SMC router I know for eMule.
Here I'd like to thank those who send me tipps and advices etc. but I'm sorry but I lost every single email I ever got before 22.02.2004 due to a wrecked HDD.
The guide was written for my SMC Barricade 7004ABR (eu) with the firmware V1.42.012, but it is usable for many SMC routers as well as some copys of those:
- SMC Barricade 7004 ABR
- SMC Barricade 7004 ABR v2 (the Virtual Server looks a little different, but you've got to enter the same stuff) (Thx to Tilube)
- SMC Barricade 7004 VBR (Thx to Ulf)
Note: This list was once bigger, but I lost all the mails in which some nice people told me, that their router has the same configuration. If you know your Router has the same config,
please send a short eMail to, thanks. If you want to include screeshots, please use a lossless compression format like PNG or GIF.
Accessing the configuration of your SMC Barricade is very easy. You've just got to enter its IP in your browser, and hit ENTER.
The standart IP is, so you would have to enter into your browser, or just click the link.
You should now see a window like this:

Now, you've only got to enter your password into the password box and hit the -button.
To find out your IP, you've now got to click on Status.
You should now see a little frame in the middle of your screen titled "Security Log" looking like this:

If you don't see a line like this at once, scroll the frame down to the bottom. The entry we are looking for should be among the latest ones.
In my example here i've got this line:
2004/03/06 10:32:38 login successful
so my IP is Remember it or write it down somewhere so we can go on.
Virtual Server
Now click on Setup so we can proceed.
In the left of your screen, a list of subjects has now appeared. Under Advanced Settings you should find a point named Virtual Server. Click it.
If you have got a SMC Barricade 7004 ABR v2, you'll find it under NAT.
You should now have a list in front of you. Here, you'll have to enter the following things:

As in my example, I used my IP If your IP is different (and that's very likely), you'll have to enter the last segment (in my case 30) of your IP into the Private IP field.
Also, I use the default Client-Port 4662 and UDP-Port 4672. If you have set
a different port, please look them up in your eMule-Configuration.
If you do not wish to use the eMule Webserver, then you don't have to enter
the 4711 port line. If you do use it, please check wether the port is correct
in your Webinterface-Configuration.
Now, click on the -Button to access the Special Application Menue.
Special Application
Here, you've got to enter the following:

I use the default Client-Port 4662 and UDP-Port 4672. If you have set a different
port, please look them up in your eMule-Configuration.
If you do not wish to use the eMule Webserver, then you don't have to enter
the 4711 port. If you do, please check wether the port is correct in your Webinterface-Configuration.
Just one more click on the -Button
and ont -Button.
The End
Well, this it is. You should now get a HighID by every server and Open status in Kademlia.
If you've still got any questions that are not answered in the FAQ, feel free to mail me at
I cannot guarantee to answer the mails, but I try to. And please do not send me mails in any other language than german or english (if you really have to, french is also OK, but I can write it very well so I'll respond in english).
"I configured everything as described and still got a LowID. What can I do?"
Please recheck wether the Clientport is the one set in your eMule-Configuration,
and that you've got the correct ports entered in the Virtual
Server and the Special Application configuration.
If everything is correct, try to enable Safe Connect in your eMule's
And keep in mind, you've always got to reconnect to a server if you want to check if you've still got a LowID.
"I use eMule on two computers connected to my router, but although it is set up correctly to your guide, one of my eMules gets a LowID."
First of all, I do absolutely recommend to use only one eMule per network because it's less trouble for you and less overhead for the servers. Also, you would have your Uploadcapacy divided between two eMules so that if you've got an upstream below 20kb/sec, you'll have the ratio activated, thus reducing your maximal Download. I recommend you to use the webserver instead of the second eMule.
If you still want to use two eMules, you've got to assign them diffenrent ports (Like eMule1: Clientport 4662, UDPport 4672 - eMule2: Clientport 3662, UDPport 3672), forward these to the correct computer in the Virtual Server, and enter the ports in the Special Application configuration.
29.07.2004 12:57