![《芬达吉他教程 电吉他初级教程》(Fender Presents Getting Started on Electric Guitar)[nrg]](http://pic.dxspjc.com/dx_pic/2005082302/20050823023639522.jpg)
Keith Wyatt执教的芬达电吉他入门DVD教程为入门吉他手提供全面的学习方法,
Keith Wyatt作为一名吉他手兼吉他教师超过25年,除了在享有声望的吉他技术学院(美国的吉他学校)(Guitar Institute of Technology)培训课程,兼作为传奇性的the Blasters乐队(“American Music” band-the Blasters)的成员外,Keith Wyatt还出版了一系列的指导性教学书籍,影带,主持音乐杂志的栏目,其获奖的CD-Rom更是使得他成为全世界最成功的吉他教育家之一。
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![《芬达吉他教程 电吉他初级教程》(Fender Presents Getting Started on Electric Guitar)[nrg]](style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/happy.gif)
格式说明:分6个压缩包,解压后为dvd的nrg镜像文件(可以直接用nero/酒精烧录DVD)/对于没有DVD刻录机的用户,在电脑上也可以通过daemon tool/酒精加载镜像,用windvd/powerdvd 等播放
请之前下载的会员注意:把原文件名称的v6去掉,例如:第一个压缩档改为:Gitarrenschule Fender - Getting Started On Electric Guitar Dvd Neroimage Part1 , 第二个压缩档改为: Gitarrenschule Fender - Getting Started On Electric Guitar Dvd Neroimage Part2 , 其他的类推 ,否则不能完全解压(出现缺part1 v7的提示,叫大家受惊了
![《芬达吉他教程 电吉他初级教程》(Fender Presents Getting Started on Electric Guitar)[nrg]](http://pic.dxspjc.com/dx_pic/2005082302/20050823023639336.gif)
![《芬达吉他教程 电吉他初级教程》(Fender Presents Getting Started on Electric Guitar)[nrg]](http://pic.dxspjc.com/dx_pic/2005082302/20050823023639336.gif)
Fender Getting Started on Electric Guitar DVD with Keith Wyatt
The most comprehensive DVD learning method ever created for the beginning guitarist! This excellent DVD is over 3 hours long and contains over 50 interactive guitar lessons. "Getting Started: offers clean, step-by-step instruction that incorporates easy-to-follow 3-D graphics and unique play-along tracks, to teach you the essential chords, scales, and techniques used by electric guitar players in every popular style including Rock Blues and Country.
Keith Wyatt has been a working guitarist and teacher for over 25 years. Besides developing curriculum at the prestigious Guitar Institute of Technology and performing with the legendary “American Music” band, the Blasters, Keith‘s best-selling guitar instructional videos as well as books, magazine articles, columns, and award-winning CD-ROMs make him one of the most successful guitar educators in the world.