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《斯坦福迷你医学课堂:医学、健康及科技前沿》(Stanford Mini Med School:Medicine, Human Health, and the Frontiers of Science)


更新时间:2010-09-18 09:33:00

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《斯坦福迷你医学课堂:医学、健康及科技前沿》(Stanford Mini Med School:Medicine, Human Health, and the Frontiers of Science)
Stanford Mini Med School offers a dynamic introduction to the world of human health and the groundbreaking changes taking place in medical research and health care today.

Featuring more than thirty scientists and physicians from the School of Medicine, this 2009-10 Continuing Studies three quarter course sequence commemorates the 50th anniversary of the school’s move from San Francisco to Palo Alto.

This quarter, the Stanford Mini Med School focuses on our bodies and the organ systems that comprise them, seeing how they work, what goes awry and what scientists and physicians are learning every day about healing them. We also explore the latest in imaging technology and the fascinating topic of mind-body interactions.

斯坦福大学医学院继续教育课程秋季班讲座,聘请30多名该医学院的医学专家及临床医生从各方面讲述现代医学的高、精、尖全方位发展现况,以纪念该医学院从旧金山动迁到Palo Alto 50周年庆。


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