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《Thieme 系列解剖图谱》(Thieme Atlas of Anatomy Series)[安装包]


更新时间:2010-09-05 14:09:00

文件大小:3.32 GB



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《Thieme 系列解剖图谱》(Thieme Atlas of Anatomy Series)[安装包]
The THIEME Atlas of Anatomy is a revolution in the presentation of human anatomy. It combines topographical views of different body regions, in stunning detail and unprecedented clarity, with the more classical portrayals of isolated systems, in which the bony structure, vasculature, muscles, and nerves are assembled for the reader in a step-by-step logical sequence. Schematics highlight specific structures and depict their coordination in functional units. Throughout the book we have included hundreds of clinical correlations to provide an integrated presentation of structure, function, and malfunction that will serve the needs of students and practitioners alike.


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《Thieme 系列解剖图谱》(Thieme Atlas of Anatomy Series)[安装包]
《Thieme 系列解剖图谱》(Thieme Atlas of Anatomy Series)[安装包]
《Thieme 系列解剖图谱》(Thieme Atlas of Anatomy Series)[安装包]

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